Too Much Fabric Never Hurt Anyone

Here are some recent additions to my stash:


More dotted swiss! Remember the pink dress of last year? Well, it will soon have a cousin (oh, and here’s me wearing it). I also bought some bright green, but it’s sold out now … I love dotted swiss. Not sure why — part of it is that I love the texture, but that can’t explain this level of devotion. Perhaps because I didn’t get enough party dresses as a child? I’m making up for lost time now, in any case.

On a completely different tack is this chambray (which also comes in brown, click any image to go to the store page at Fabric Mart)


I love this fabric so much I’ve been dreaming about it. I’m pretty sure this is going to be my favorite dress of this summer, if I can just decide what pattern it wants to be! It is so lovely and crisp, but it’s also lightweight. It may have to be a shirtdress like this one … maybe with a deep, topstitched hem to weigh it down? Still thinking.

This next fabric was a total splurge. Way more expensive than I usually am comfortable with (although it’s plenty wide, so that’s a plus).


It’s a linen-cotten blend from Marc Jacobs, pretty heavy, I think. This is going to be a horizontally-striped dress, with the fullest skirt I can manage with the yardage I bought. Really. I saw it and thought YES THAT’S WHAT IT WILL BE. YES. I cannot wait.

I’m trying to remember to add fabric that I buy (or just like) to Pinterest, if you keep a fabric board too, let me know!

11 thoughts on “Too Much Fabric Never Hurt Anyone

  1. I share your swiss dot love! Last week I bought a glorious SEVEN yards to make matching dresses for my little girl and me. (And is there anything more satisfying than taking home an entire bolt, really?) They were long maxi dresses from a 70’s pattern, and hers had extra fullness in the skirt tiers. There will be no end to the twirling when she wears this dress! The swiss dot is so perfectly floaty.
    I don’t know if you have a Hancock Fabrics in your area, but right now they have all their swiss dot 40% off, and it comes in florals with coordinating solids. CANNOT RESIST (Solid blouse and floral full skirt anyone?)


  2. So, the stripes–are we talking a gathered skirt, or a circle? I vote circle, because then you get that fun twisting of the stripes from horizontal to verticle and back again.


  3. Dulcet — I was thinking gathered, because I don’t think I bought enough for a full circle … but I’ll see when it arrives!


  4. I have loved dotted swiss since I read Judy Blume’s “Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself” – over and over and over. Sally tells her friend Andrea that she wore a pink dotted swiss ballet dress at her ballet school back in New Jersey, and Andrea is impressed because dotted swiss is fancy. Dotted swiss just sounded so… sophisticated and European and un-New Jersey. I made my mom take me to the fabric store so I could see what it looked like. It wasn’t exactly what I’d imagined (I had a very clear vision that it would be sort of a white tulle with pink polka dots), but I’ve been drawn to it ever since and it always reminds me of getting lost in Judy Blume books.


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