The Hundred Dresses: Day 14

I could have sworn I’ve posted this one before, but I can’t find it now. (Obviously, my tagging needs some work.) Anyway, yes, another 9929, this time in a border print!

red border print Vogue 9929

I’m pretty sure I bought this fabric on eBay with absolutely no idea what I was going to do with it. (As the bromide has it, leap and the net will be there, or, in  my case, buy the fabric and the pattern will appear. I’m waiting on quite a few patterns right now …)

Here’s the salient part, the border:

red border print Vogue 9929

I really do love those houndstoothy things. If I were doing this again (and by “this” I mean making another border print 9929 — I’ve been reading a lot of Javascript lately and have been fascinated by issues of “this”-scope anaphora) I would not just have the hem and the edge of the border coterminous, as easy as that is — I’d use some hem bias facing to give it a little weight. (Oh, and I *am* going to make another 9929 border print sometime before the fall, because I bought this fabric especially to do it with.)

Here’s the back:

red border print Vogue 9929

Here’s the neck facing — one of my favorite things about the neck bias on the 9929s is finding out how it will look when it’s attached. I don’t do much, if anything, to try to plan it out:

red border print Vogue 9929

Here’s the zipper, another “C” effort. Since I’ve made these last two 9929s I’ve gotten a new zipper foot, which has helped quite a bit (I think):

red border print Vogue 9929

In Hundred-Dresses-The-Book news, there was a VERY  nice review in the Chicago Tribune! Check it out if you’re so inclined. They called it “a refreshing sashay through the history and pop culture of the dress.” (“Refreshing Sashay” is now the name of my new band …)

7 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 14

  1. Another winner, so bright and fresh looking.

    You are determined to educate the uneducated masses. Unless I’m your only low brow reader.


    • I don’t think of it as highbrow … I think of it as “how do I find something oblique and interesting to put in the mouseover?” 🙂


  2. What a great dress for July celebrations……………………… as is for Canada Day here and with some blue accessories (a cardigan ?) for you south of the 49th.


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