The Hundred Dresses: Day 27

Got a little bit of a late start today … but I bet you know what’s coming: another Simplicity 1577! And it’s a rare solid-fabric example of Erin-sewing, too:

chambray Simplicity 1577 bodice

You know how the camera adds ten pounds? Mine adds ten wrinkles.
Chambray Simplicity 1577 front

This zipper is … not great.
chambray Simplicity 1577 zipper

Here’s the back:
chambray Simplicity 1577 back

And, of course, solid fabric means patterned pocket lining! This is Liberty:
chambray Simplicity 1577 pocket 1

I posted this one about a year ago, so if you want to see it on me, well, here you go.

4 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 27

  1. Does chambray count as a solid then? I spend too much time with knitters, I’d call that a ‘semi-solid’ (hand dyed yarn is big with knitters)

    I do like chambray, it has such texture and movement and sobriety and interest. This shows of the shape of the dress really well, it’s easy to see why it’s such a favourite.


  2. I find the combination of workmen’s fabric (chambray) with utilitarian pockets very satisfying on an intellectual level. But, the surprise of hidden Liberty print pocket linings gives me paroxysms of delight.


  3. I’d love to know more about how you accessorize these dresses, as I’m guessing they aren’t meant to be worn on their own. (Liberty print sneakers? Swoon!)


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