The Hundred Dresses: Day 29

I do appreciate the irony of these next few photos being slightly out-of-focus:

Echino glasses Vogue 9929 front

Echino glasses 9929 bodice

This is another Vogue 9929, of course, and it’s in that heavy Japanese Echino fabric. I’ve only sewn with it a couple of times but I really like it. It’s easy to sew with and very comfortable to wear. The only downside is that the whites are all more on the “unbleached/ecru” side, so if you need your whites sparkling, Echino may not be the fabric for you. (It looks like a variant on this print is still available, too.)

I bought what seemed like a lot of this fabric quite some time ago, and made a nice-enough pleated skirt out of about half of it. Which left me just slightly under what I needed for this dress, as you can see from the visible sliver of the selvage at this underarm seam:

Echino glasses Vogue 9929 zipper

Here it is close up:


A better example of me going “eh, what the heck, nobody will notice and if they do they’ll surely be polite enough not to say anything” cannot be found. You can also see that there wasn’t enough for self-fabric bias, so I resorted to good ol’ double-fold straight from the package.  (Oh and that zipper is about a C+.)

Here’s the back view:


If you went by sheer number of approving comments, this is probably the most popular dress I own. I am regularly stopped on the street and asked about it (which I use as opportunities to evangelize the many many benefits of sewing).

(If you want to see this being worn, I posted about it here. I also have this fabric in green.)

6 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 29

  1. Cockney rhyming slang is well known, but we have our own version of it in Glasgow. Gregory Pecks = specs. Perhaps not quite as much used by the yoof of today, who many not know who Mr Peck is/was and who wear contacts.

    I am one who’d be essentially blind without the invention of specs, so I’m truly grateful to whoever it was!

    And without my glasses I could not see that selvedge under your arm.

    A splendidly stylish use of conversation fabric.


  2. As Georgia Bonesteel used to say, if you can’t see it from a galloping horse then don’t worry about it. VERY cute dress!


  3. Hmm, if someone can see that little piece of selvage next to your underarm, they are entirely too close! Like the fabric (the green one best, being partial to greens), cute dress too.


  4. Extremely cute dress! I think I was on the same flight as you coming in from Chicago: I was admiring your dress at the airport then realized I read your blog. I wanted to say hi and how much I enjoy your dresses and your blog but missed the opportunity to do it in person, so I’m saying it here!


  5. Love the under arm seam. I wear specs and its a very accurate depiction of how I look when i bump into something. All askew! Very very cute dress. SPECS – tacular! OK – terrible pun.


  6. Love the under arm seam. I wear specs and its a very accurate depiction of how I look when i bump into something. All askew! Very very cute dress. SPECS tacular! OK – terrible pun.


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