The Hundred Dresses: Day 36

Another 9929! This is the first Vogue 9929 I ever made — here’s the post about it.

pink floral Vogue 9929 front

There are only a few things “wrong” with it, unusual for a first-draft dress. One that you can’t see is that the pockets are too low and too small. (I could conceivably fix this; practically the chances are nil.) The other is that I didn’t plan out the piecing of the bias binding for the neck correctly, and so there’s a big fat seam right in front, like so:

pink floral Vogue 9929 neck closeup

Somehow I didn’t manage to take a picture of the back of this dress, but the zipper isn’t too bad. A C.

pink floral Vogue 9929 side zipper

I really love this fabric so much — huge scale florals make me happy, bright color + gray makes me happy, and this fabric in particular has a lovely silky hand that (you guessed it) makes me happy. I hope you’re wearing something that makes you happy today, too.

PS I took a ton of new pictures yesterday … shirtdresses are coming soon, including two NEW ones from this pattern.

5 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 36

  1. Ooh, I have that shirtwaist pattern! (Actually, I think that’s my image on the wiki!) Sadly, I’ve never made it, although I tried, once, but ran out of fabric well short of completion. The pleated skirt on that thing is HUGE. But I may try it again, I’ve got a 4.5-yard cut of Liberty in a gorgeous brown paisley and the worst I can do is ruin it…


  2. Hi.
    I’m so in love with your Vogue 9929 dresses! I would really like to make one for myself – but I cannot find the pattern anywere, do you know where I can buy it?


  3. love all your happy dresses 🙂

    and because you ask – today i wore a totally happy dress just for biking to the physiotherapist, she gave me a lifted eyebrow……. i live in the “hans wolfshaut” country 😉


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