The Hundred Dresses: Day 38

This is a totally new pattern! Well, new as in “I haven’t sewn it before/posted it before” not new as in “produced in this century.”

This is Vogue 8460, and I lurrrrrrve it:

Vogue 8460

(sorry for the fuzzy image, click on the pic to see it bigger)

I know on the pattern envelope it looks like a party dress, but I have enough party dresses … Here’s what I made with it, shown with belt (purchased):

stripe Vogue 8460 with belt

This is a nice shirting fabric I bought online sometime last year. Here it is sans belt:
stripe Vogue 8460 front 2

Of course, the pleasure in this dress is in matching those rainbow stripes!
stripe Vogue 8460 front stripes

They don’t match at the waistline, but that’s okay, the chevron effect on the skirt is what I was going for:
stripe Vogue 8460 front waist seam

This zipper? This is probably the best zipper I’ve made in AGES. B+!
stripe Vogue 8460 zipper

And the back stripe matchup:
stripe Vogue 8460 stripe matching

I hemmed it with bright vintage hem facing, which I love. It’s getting harder and harder to find bright hem facing these days. (Also, I’m going to fewer yard sales.)
stripe Vogue 8460 hem facing

The shoulder stripes … you can see the facing rolling a little there, I probably should have understitched it:

stripe Vogue 8460 shoulder

Here’s a glimpse of the neckline facing. I zigzag finish my facings on the inside (and I also didn’t press this one very well):
stripe Vogue 8460 facing

And the back (the skirt’s not properly positioned in this one, sorry!):
stripe Vogue 8460 back

I’ve made this pattern twice more since this one, and I really love it. It’s super-simple to wear (and yes there are pockets in all these dresses)!

14 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 38

  1. I love the stripes, they are all matched just so perfect. I agree with Melissa, the zipper is definitely an A. Can’t wait to see the other dresses made from this pattern.


  2. What a beautiful dress (with a nice zipper, too!). I wouldn’t have imagined such a wearable everyday dress could come from that party dress pattern–that’s a good reminder to take a second look at that kind of design.


  3. My favorite so far! I love innovative work with stripes. And as a non-zipper person, I think your grading system is much too hard. Here’s my standard–if it works, it’s an A.


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