The Hundred Dresses: Day 47

Here’s Simplicity 6894 again, in the better red than dead edition:

red poplin Simplicity 6894

I really love the IDEA of this particular dress, but the actual instantiation of it is problematic. Mostly because this fabric wrinkles like a Shar-Pei. It took all my weight on the iron to get it as smooth as it is in these photos:
red poplin Simplicity 6894 bodice

The pleats turned out well, though, didn’t they?
red poplin Simplicity 6894 bodice 2

And the side zip?
red poplin Simplicity 6894 side zip

More evidence of the essentially wrinkly nature of this dress:
red poplin Simplicity 6894 back 2

And the back:
red poplin Simplicity 6894 back

I’d like to make this dress over again but I’m thinking I should go more Classic Villager and do it in some teeny tiny prints. I just bought some Japanese Liberty from Jones and Vandermeer (on sale!) that might be a good candidate for this pattern … or maybe in red again, so I can salvage those buttons, but something not so crinkly. Thoughts?


7 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 47

  1. Is that Kona? I’ve found the trick with Kona is to take it out of the dryer when it’s only about 70% dry, and then press post-haste.


  2. Try a spray sizing next time you iron the dress. It’s too pretty to give up on yet! Also, since I started using a fabric steamer (the floor model) wrinkles are easier to handle. Good luck!


  3. I like the plain fabric better than the prints, much better to show off all that hard work on those pleats! My SIL has one very similar with seven small pleats on each side in a perfect emerald green, one of my favorite dresses…


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