The Hundred Dresses: Day 62

I keep finding Vogue 9929s. I can’t believe I made so many of them! I remember this one went together really quickly:

splatter Vogue 9929 front

I think this is a quilting cotton, or something not far from it. I have no idea where I bought it, but here’s a closer look:
splatter Vogue 9929 binding

And the bodice:
splatter Vogue 9929 bodice

And the side zip (B-):
splatter Vogue 9929 side zip

The back:
splatter Vogue 9929 back

I really wish I had the right color pink or green Keds to wear with this. I think I mostly default to yellow sandals … this is definitely a summer-Saturday dresses (in places with warmer summer Saturdays than here). It goes extremely well with ice cream …


7 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 62

  1. I think it would be interesting, when you’re done with these hundred dresses, to list the number of dresses you’ve made from each pattern. Like a census. But that may just be me.


  2. I found your blog linked on facebook (wish I could remember from whom). So glad I did. You have the coolest style! I’ll be bookmarking your blog for a wealth of inspiration!


  3. We happened to be in San Fran this weekend! It was a beautiful day on Saturday. We had to go to an event on 19th Ave., then went to Fisherman’s Wharf and met my aunt & uncle for dinner. She told me that you had 26 out of 31 foggy days last month. Yikes! They told us we need to come up more often and bring sunshine and warmth with us. It was a little chilly when we were done, but went to Ghiradelli for ice cream. Wish I had a dress like this to wear, it would have been perfect on Saturday! & I agree with Dulcet, I’d like to see a recap of how many of each pattern you’ve whipped up. Also beate, that looks like a cool place, but I’ll keep my touristing to Cali!! Green Chucks, green chucks!!!!


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