The Hundred Dresses: Day 94

Well, today was supposed to be another omnibus day of multiple images but I overslept so we’ll just do this one, okay?

This is a new Butterick 7513; while I was posting the photos for Day 17 and Day 41, I thought, hey, why don’t I make another one of these? So I did:

The stuntiness of this dress is slightly more subtle, but I’m sure you’ll see it. The fabric is Moda Comma Commas (also comes in orange!). It’s not a fantastic fabric for this dress … it doesn’t quite drape right (as you can see above). But it’s certainly good enough.


I am probably never going to wear it buttoned to the neck like this, but it looks better in the pictures. Except huh, looking at it in photos now I can see that the third button down is slightly out of alignment. Oh well. This is what I get for sewing them on while watching a movie.


And here’s the back!


I also made this in FULL ON CAMO and I haven’t even been able to wear it yet. I might have finally made a dress that’s even too obnoxious for me to wear. We’ll see …


4 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 94

  1. hi erin,
    1) nice job on ensuring that collar commas face correctly when the neck is unbuttoned!
    2) some motifs align to form colons & semi-colons. no one would want to buy a fabric named ‘colon’, tho’.
    3) only 6 days of dresses left (sad face). not to make more work for you, but any chance of ending with a big composite of all 100 dresses, linking to individual posts? it would be even more impressive to see them all together.


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