Nine Lives

I don’t think I ever posted this one, did I?

Nine Lives dress

I made it for XOXO in Portland, around the same time as this dress. The bodice is Simplicity 1577 with the collar altered to be Peter Pan, the skirt is the skirt from Butterick 8500 (as seen here). The fabric is from Superbuzzy — this particular colorway is sold out, but they have a couple others.

Here’s a closer look at the bodice:

Nine Lives collar

And the side zip:

Nine Lives dress zipper

And the collar:

Nine Lives dress collar closeup

And the back:

Nine Lives dress back

It’s a little cutesy for someone of my advanced (and still advancing) age, but … [insert don’t-care-face here]. It’s definitely a fun dress, though. I wore it with a red cardigan and red Keds, and with the intention of eating lots of ice cream.

8 thoughts on “Nine Lives

  1. Crazy Cat Lady Dress, complete with crazy cats – I love it.

    I have forgotten the zip ratings, but that gets an A, surely!


  2. I don’t understand the whole ‘you’re too old to do that’ thing. Surely the older you get the less you should care about meaningless niceties and fitting in? That’s how it seems to work for all the fun people.


  3. Yeah…so hard to find the zipper fully hidden these days. And I don’t like the exposed zipper as promoted by V. Beckham. This is much classier.


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