Back to the Simplicity 1577

another dark denim dress

I have started—don’t all act surprised here—making Simplicity 1577s again. I basically tried to re-create this dress, sans collar this time, because my previous version had an encounter with a bleach splash in which it came off the decided loser.

This one is in a much heavier, darker denim, which I am kind of enjoying. You might have noticed the last dress was denim, too: I have found that I’m sewing a lot of denim lately, making me look like some kind of absurd June Cleaver-as-barista. But it’s so convenient! Denim is my favorite fabric to try a new pattern in, since it comes in all kinds of weights, and a denim dress is nearly always wearable, and goes with everything.

Here’s a closer look at the bodice:
new denim 1577 bodice

I lined the pockets with some Liberty scraps I had lying around:
Liberty-lined pockets

Here’s the zipper, with the photo lightened a bit so you can see it:
side zipper

Oh, I forgot to mention that I piped the pockets with self-piping, of course.

And here’s the back: not sure why my dress form looks a little hunched over here, perhaps it was a cold day?
denim 1577 back

I made another one of these in this gorgeous black-on-black seersucker; it’s a little lightweight for winter but … I don’t know what it is about corded and ribbed fabric, but I cannot stay away. I just did a tidy of my fabric stash and the amount of seersucker I own for someone who is not a baby in rompers in Nantucket is absurd. Plus I have at least three pieces of corded cotton, including one in a bright peony pink that has probably been kicking around my stash for going on two decades.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (What types of fabric do you tend to hoard?)

5 thoughts on “Back to the Simplicity 1577

  1. I tend to hoard fabrics that I don’t use… because they’re either too pretty (yards and yards of COMMAS!) or too complicated for my current sewing skills (very thin ones that fray, knits…).


  2. I have a lot of white linen and some silks. Also have fancy fabrics for historical outfits. When we moved from the East coast to the West coast, I got rid of a lot of fabrics, mainly to theater companies and college drama departments in the area.


  3. I seem to collect piles of coordinated calicos, because I think they’ll be useful. I don’t quilt, so it’s not that. For sewing, it’s plaid wool or heavyweight plaid flannel. I want to make skirts, but I have yet to find the perfect pattern (I keep saying that I’m going to pattern off of an old Talbot’s skirt, but I never do).


  4. Black lace of different patterns & designs. B&W striped fabrics, Gothic/spooky-theme novelty print cottons & knits. Black and more black. Obviously from reading this, you might guess that I’m a bit of a goth. You might be right! 😉



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