Linktastic Friday No. 4: The Return of Linktastic Friday

French pillow

Tina at What-I-Found sent me a link to the pillow above; I need to put it on my couch and sit next to it wearing my letter/number dress, don't I?

Dilly sent a link to these sewing-themed shoes from the UK chain Office, which makes it very difficult for people to grab their pics. I guess you'll have to click on the link if you want to see them.

Remember those "Four Yard Line" patterns? There's also a One Yard Line line: check out this skirt and blouse pattern (Butterick 9475), sent by Myra.

Ann sent a great link to a post by Babazeka, where she quotes an old sewing manual about how to be properly dressed when you sit down at the machine. Priceless. (Ann also sent a link to Donate My Dress, which passes along gently used prom dresses to girls who need them.)

Hana in Brno sent a link to this dress — a wedding dress made completely of dollar store materials. It looks pretty good!

I know I haven't said much about the wiki lately (I think we need to have another contest), but we have another seller who is happy to have her images loaded up into it: Vintage Swampcrone.

Blogreader Carol has a wonderful blog about papercraft. Check it out!

Kristine sent this, which is up right now on eBay (click the image). Isn't it cute?

Marian Martin 9425

Doug (yeah, I said Doug) sent this link to a site called Unraveling Histories, which features dresses made from silk RAF parachutists' maps. The site is hard to navigate and even harder to pull pics from but it's definitely worth a link! And there's a Dutch version.

Lee (at when she was knitting) sent in pictures of her Duro! And it's her first dress! You should click the link and check it out, her color choice is beautiful.

Stephanie sent in this Whole Food halter dress, in the front of her local WF in Oakland:

Whole Food halter

The *very* funny Jonathan Caws-Elwitt has made up these t-shirts (click the image to visit his CafePress store):

IM with Stupid t-shirt image

Whew! I think that's it for this Friday. Wouldn't want to break the internet …

15 thoughts on “Linktastic Friday No. 4: The Return of Linktastic Friday

  1. I had an LMHO* moment:the second-to-last picture– a ‘whole foods’ green halter dress…It struck me as funny because the bodice very nicely positioned the “whole foods” label right over the top of each bosom, the original natural whole foods concept if ever there was!*laffing my head off


  2. Ha, my husband absolutely loves cold war era propaganda and suggested that this should read something more like this:Again, sewing must be approached with the idea that you are going to enjoy it, and if you are constantly fearful that the bomb will drop or your that husband may come home and you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing as you should.No wonder so many women were on tranquilizers!


  3. Love the cheap/recycled-stuff sewing projects….It’s what I do all day….it’s really ALL I want to do all day….A very fun link-tastic Friday!


  4. I had a 1950’s Betty Crocker cookbook that gave fashion tips for housework, too. The philosophy was the same; never let them see you sweat. You’re advised to affix a mirror inside a kitchen cabinet door, above a small shelf for perfume and a few cosmetics. (Betty, like that sewing manual, stresses that a clean housedress is a MUST for cooking…all the better to catch the flying flour?) There’s something so sinister about all this advise, as if the Fifties housewife were brewing up a secret batch of crack cocaine in her kitchen, and the police could ring the doorbell any second.


  5. I believe the One Yard Line skirt and blouse would have to tap out at a certain size. What is the limit?As to the wedding dress. That is pretty amazing. Don’t know about a shower curtain skirt making me feel very pretty on my Special Day though. Just an amazing job of working with very little.


  6. Re. the RAF map dress, as part of an exhibition on camouflage, the Imperial War Museum in London had a stunning couture evening gown made out of such maps (don’t know whether it’s a regular fixture or whether it was there for that exhibition only). It gave me the idea to make a shirt (cheaper and easier than a couture gown!). I’ve managed to get hold of two maps already (thank you ebay), but because of their size, I need one more before I can get going. And because they’re printed on both sides, the challenge is to make it reversible!


  7. At first glance I thought the dress pattern on ebay was a nursing dress. “Very cool” I thought until I realized that the era this pattern was made in wasn’t really promoting that. I am many years beyond breastfeeding, but I always thought there should be more stylish dresses to accommodate : )


  8. Woo! I’m so excited about being mentioned on Dress A Day!The $10 dress is amazing.And I’m scarily with the 1950s advice – I always put makeup and nice clothes on before I sew…


  9. PS: Lee’s first dress looks great; very impressive. Congrats, Lee! I think the all the sea greens and blues make up a beautiful pallet, too.


  10. The vintage advice = Stepford Wives.The dollar tree dress is just amazing. I mean, I wish I had a brain that could think up stuff like that. But do it in taffeta and satin and such.cookie, you made me laugh so loud the neighbors are prolly worried about me now 🙂


  11. The vintage sewing pattern wiki is great! I draw my own patterns and the wiki is a great source of inspiration. I love the “random page”-button.I should like some more comments about the patterns though. How they are made, how the pattern pieces look etc. And of course, I would really like to see more of the patterns made up.Gry


  12. What a wonderful linktastic Friday!! Lots of fun stuff there. Erin, could you with some advice on traveling while staying comfortable and looking decent, as well as not having to pack the whole closet?I’m traveling internationally for the first time in several years; back then comfort wasn’t important to me. The trip is for business meetings, so I will need to be business casual.What’s your suitcase look like typically when you are traveling?


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