And they can't, they won't, and they don't stop … fauxlero!

Anne Adams 4607

Julie from Sew-Retro Vintage Patterns just sent this to me, and I *wants* it. But it's not my size! (It's B38.) And, as we've already established, I'm way too lazy to grade patterns. Anyone got it in a B36?

Anyway, it's sweeeeet. Look at those pockets! I would definitely coordinate the pocket flaps and the neckline band. I might even go so far as to add another coordinating band around the hem. (My laziness doesn't extend to unnecessary design touches, only to grading patterns.)

Sigh. I hope one of you B38 ladies buys it, makes it, sends me a picture, and wears it in good health to the next meeting of the Fauxlero Club.

0 thoughts on “And they can't, they won't, and they don't stop … fauxlero!

  1. That’s really cute! Not my size either, but I’d snap it up if it was. I’d even have it made in the polka dots they show — white on red, with red contrast for the band and pocket.


  2. That’s why we come here Erin, posts about lovely vintage patterns with a Beastie Boys reference in the title! I’m going to have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the afternoon though…


  3. oo, looks wonderful … have no idea what size a B38 is to be honest :-/ (i’m from europe and get confused with other size references)


  4. Every time I see one of these posts, I read it as faux!Iero, as in Frank Iero from MCR.I won’t even pretend to be ashamed of that.


  5. Acccckkkkkk, I was out of the house and off the computer this AM and it sold 4 times!!!!I’m so sorry to the ladies who bought it after Texas Marie. I have to go in a mark it sold and just did not know Erin (who is so awesome) had featured it today.Please accept my apologies…..


  6. I like the deep pleat in the center front. It makes it hang trimly but leaves plenty of room for movement.Not that my body goes well with the concept of trimness, but I can dream, right?


  7. Was one of the four… Oh well, not to worry… As a consolation prize, hope Texas Marie makes it her next project and shows us the results!


  8. It looks like a fauxlero, but it also looks like it is attempting industrial bustline support. That trim band just screams “Suspension Bridge!”


  9. It IS shocking that the fauxleros have been lurking throughout society for decades, and we’re only spotting their games NOW! How many of our family closets hid a fauxlero? They’re all tumbling out, now!


  10. I still want a Wear Your Fauxlero Day. I’ve got a pattern picked out but I’m having to find the right fabrics.


  11. Clever way to work in some Beastie Boys lyrics!I love this pattern.(I still can’t get that title= “title” thing to work. 😦 )


  12. It is obvious that I’m going to have to start getting up at 3:00 a.m. and become compulsive about checking the blog every three minutes so that I can snag one of these great patterns!I love this dress and it looks like it would reduce “bustiness attention.”


  13. Hello, nasty…I do believe this is a fauxshrugo, fauxlero’s shrimpy, skimpy little sister.(for the easily offended or just to sane and healthy to know, ‘hello nasty’ is another beastie boys reference. I am sorry that I know that.)@enc, it took me awhile too but put title=”and whatever you want to say here between the quote marks” somewhere safe (meaning you don’t break a tag.) I put mine where the alt text”” is (I replace the alt text thing that never works anyway) in the blogger photo html and so far, so good.hthDixie Hoyt, FRA, Conspiratoraka Punky Steamster


  14. Most of them are too cutesy for my wearing tastes, but I really do love the creativity of so many of those 1930’s-through-early 1950’s patterns. What an awesome neckline!


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