Only Rita Could Get Me To Blog About Pants

So Rita, over at Cemetarian, has THREE of this pattern to give away:

ebay item 8305987417

And I don't blame her, if I had this in my house I'd give it away, too. So, speaking of things you give away at holiday time, if you actually WANT one of these patterns, leave a comment about the best/worst/funniest/most inappropriate holiday present you've ever received. I'll choose three comments on Boxing Day (or soon thereafter) and forward the winners' details to Rita.

One Christmas where my mom gave me the three nicest things out of the Tweeds catalog (remember that?) and I wore each piece (two blouses and a skirt, I think) all to shreds. As for bad Christmas presents … looking at this pattern, even the most head-scratchingly bad presents I ever got pale in comparison.

So, c'mon, spill! Tell us about the ex-boyfriend who gave you a pack of gum (with one stick missing, on December 26th) or the best friend who knew that all you really wanted was two hours to go to a movie … and who got you the ticket and showed up to babysit. You will brighten the holidays of all who read the comments, and possibly get a copy of this pattern … to inflict on someone else, NEXT Christmas.

0 thoughts on “Only Rita Could Get Me To Blog About Pants

  1. Oh my gosh you guys are funny! My son (yeah I’m a bad mom, it’s 1 am and he’s awake) just looked up from the couch and asked what I was doing and I explained…”Reading comments for these cool pants since to win them you have to tell the best or worst Christmas present” (show pants) Son says “Well…if you win them does that make it one of the worst gifts ever?””I like them.””Oh mom.” *eyeroll* I then explained I really did like them and he replied “ugh, well I’ll enter for you then. My worst gift ever my aunt giving me a barbie.””uh, you used to want one.””Not last year and not Ballgown puky Barbie.”..and I can’t argue.


  2. I have so enjoyed reading about all these gifts. Not as many tales of good gifts, but I suppose it’s human nature to remember the bad. I have one of each. The best present came from my best friend, in the first year of our friendship. That would be 25 years ago now. It was a box of See’s candy, and she’d lovingly hand-picked a half a pound of all the chocolates she knew I liked best. Dark chocolate, with nuts and things that go crunch. It wasn’t Christmas, or my birthday. She just had a little extra money that month, and wanted me to have chocolate. The worst present came from a boyfriend; a delicate pair of silver earrings. Little crescent moons with tiny delicate faces, and tiny little delicate ladies, naked, who were STRADDLING THE MOON’S FACE. He bought them because he heard me say I liked “statement jewelery”, and was genuinely surprised to find that I thought the earrings made a little too much of a statement.


  3. My best Christmas memory was when everyone was done opening presents and my Grandpa came in with a brand new sewing machine. My other sewing machine had died a few weeks ago and I didn’t have any money to fix it. I received a dress form for Christmas and my Grandpa decided it wouldn’t do me any good without one. He has pretty good taste in sewing machines, too! (I think my mom helped him pick it out.)


  4. Oh goodness, scary pattern. But I’ve already snagged a 70s maxi dress for free merely because it was scary…My worst gift ever (in all of my 17 years) was a pair of size 11 dark purple suede loafers. Hadn’t asked for those, though they were the right size, sad to say. And then there’s the three grandma nightgowns given on separate years to me by my grandmother, one was used.The best gift I’ve ever recieved was actually secondhand from my great grandmother and given to me by the same grandma as the nightgowns. It was a Whitting and Davis silver mesh purse in the original packaging!


  5. I have a friend who could so make those work for her!!!When I was a teenager, my Grandma was unwell and a neighbor shopped for her. I got a Love Glove, so I could hold hands in the cold. We were both mortified!!!!!!!


  6. I can’t beat some of these bad gifts detailed above. And perhaps I should be grateful that I can’t! My worst gift was a plate of cookies, which would not necessarily be a Bad Gift EXCEPT a couple of the cookies had been sampled.


  7. One of the sweetest gifts I got was when I was in high school, stuck driving an Oldsmobile that regularly broke down at stop lights leaving me stranded. My youngest brother bought me a model of a Mini Cooper, my favorite car at the time, and attached a note saying that he wished he could get me a real one. I still keep it in my cubicle. I thought it was extraordinarily thoughtful for an 8-year old.


  8. Hi Rita! NICE of you to spread the wrap pants joy! Dont put me in (Lord knows I must have some of that same pattern in SOME of the boxes around here.. lol) But I have a Christmas Horror Story!My Grandmother always gave us new pajamas for Xmas and Mom would always take a pic of us all dolled up for her to keep.. I was the recipient of a sheer white granny gown (the 70s kind, yoked on top, that thin fleece-y sort?) and I was about 10. Young girl, coming of age and just starting to erm, develop. Did NOT WANT MY PICTURE TAKEN in this gown! I cried cried, Mom finally had to pull rank and MADE me pose with my brother sister for The Jammies Photo.To this day, I still cringe when I see it. Me all red-eyed from crying, HUNCHED over to keep the gown from clinging to me. I never wore it.Happy Holidays, everyone!!


  9. One year my aunt gave everyone in the family a copy of the FairTax Book. And whatever your political beliefs, it isn’t appropriate to give out books about politics at Christmas, and certainly not the same book to everyone on your list regardless of taste.Everyone remained civil at Christmas and thanked my aunt politely. However, the next time we had a chance to get together a few people had had a chance to read the book. They were not happy and chose to express that to my aunt. So, a loud, heated argument broke out at the funeral home(!) where we were all gathered to mourn the passing of a relative just a few months after Christmas.Friends do not let friends give out politically divisive books at Christmas.


  10. I’ve been visiting for a while but my first time posting. I have to defend the skant pattern. My aunt, the kookie one, sewed seldom but when she did it was always something exotic. She once made me a burnouse, which I still have 40 years later. As a teenager I loved flowy things and she made me these skants, in a wild print, I still have them. My worst gift was an extension cord from my brother, he shopped at Canadian Tire and he is not the most thoughtful of persons. My best present was from my first DH, (in code so as not to offend) a BOB!


  11. One x-mas my brother (over 18 and famous for raging inconsiderateness) actually showed up with a gift for me (??!!??). It was a cassette of the Planets by Holst. I was so amazed, because it was something I’d actually enjoy. But before I’d taken off the inner plastic wraper, he’d already reached out, taken the cassette, and told me he wanted to borrow it for a little while. Then it all made sense, and, of course, I never saw it again…So does that count as a bad gift, ’cause I’m not really sure if I ever really got it?!


  12. Worst Gift: My mom had just picked me up from my freshman year of college and brought me back home for Christmas break. As we pulled into the driveway I saw this old beat up white car in the front yard. I asked her whos car was parked in the front yard, to which she responded “SURPRISE!!! It’s yours!” I obviously was shocked! However, I soon found out that they bought the car with MY MONEY!!!! Yes, they raided my savings account to buy me a car with my own money without consulting me!!! Well, Merry Christmas to me I suppose. And the real kicker… It broke down less than a month later and was not repairable. So not only was I out the gift of the car, but I was also out $1100…


  13. I don’t want the pattern, thanks anyway! I had it in the 1970’s and made it up in a wild print. I believe I even wore it in public! I am thinking of awful Christmas presents, but they were all from relatives who are no longer with us. I wish they were around to give me even more bad presents. Sigh.


  14. At 16 years old I’d never had a date and seemed unlikely to ever have a boy look at me. For Christmas my aunt gave me a book about a nice Catholic girl who becomes a cloistered nun. Hint hint. I guess Aunty didn’t read through the book because the nun develops bulemia and most of the story is long discussions of what she ate and then retched.I am now 45 years old, happily married and Jewish.


  15. I don’t really want the pattern either, I just wanted to share. I’ve just recently found you and really enjoy your posts.Christmas of 1990, during a very, very bad divorce, I was living in a women’s shelter where my status was homeless. The handyman at the house, an older gentleman named Scotty, and the only male allowed in the place, gave each of the residents a pair of white men’s tube socks. They’re way up there on my list of favorite gifts ever.


  16. I think the pattern is cool! The only story I can offer for it has to be the gift my mother gave me about 20 years ago. I had delivered my second child in August, was at my lowest weight ever (around 100 pounds) and she presentled me a beautifully wrapped can of Slim-Fast powder.Nope–I haven’t forgotten yet.


  17. Sorry for posting this anonymously, Blogger is being strange. My dear departed grandfather was part of Florida’s lighthouse preservation society for years, and for years, he gave each and every member of my family something lighthouse related. Kids would get shirts, Mom would get trinkets, etc. (we are not trinket people.) He seemed too classy a man to unload free stuff on us, so I’m pretty sure he actually went and bought all of these things for us. At the time, I would have said they were the worst Christmas presents ever. I was a 13-year-old girl and over-sized lighthouse shirts were a terrible present, as far as I was concerned. But now that he’s gone and I’m a little more grown up, I really, really wish I knew where they all went.Shaina


  18. I think there are many good entries above! My oddest and best gifts both came from my brother.One year he asked what I wanted, we had just bought a house so I said anything for the kitchen. He sent dish soap.This year money has been a problem so back in October he sent me a check that said “Merry Christmas” and was much welcomed.


  19. My worst ever Xmas gift was from a guy I was dating who was (I had it coming) 10 years younger than me. A plastic bird that sang Rockin’ Robin and moved its head. It also had a setting for chirping, and a way to set it so that it would turn on automatically when it sensed movement. Classy.The sad thing is, that’s not the only time I was given a plastic singing animal as a gift. It wasn’t for Xmas but another guy (who was going to be a priest but I knew had kind of a thing for me) gave me a stuffed gorilla in a plastic cage that vibrated and played Rescue Me. Yeah. Awesome.


  20. I had that pattern and made those pants to wear to a party in the 70s. I’m sure I looked completely adorable.Worst present? Wasn’t for Christmas, but it has to be the wedding gift I got from an ex-boyfriend – a bathroom scale. Uh, thanks….Best present? The pre-owned Singer 401A sewing machine I got from my husband for Christmas 1970. Don’t have that husband anymore, but am still sewing on the machine!


  21. Don’t want the pattern. But I have a best/worst present. Last year, my Mom, Sister and Nana pooled and got me a refurbished Singer. So sweet. However, it stops working every month or two and only my Mom can fix it (voodoo, she haz it), which was fine until I moved an hour south and had my car jacked. I think I will buy myself a new sewing machine that will do a straight stitch and a zigzag without blowing its little sewing machine brain.


  22. I love these pants! Isn’t that the pattern there on the front? LOLThe best gift I ever got was a coal carrier. After all the Christmas gifts were unwrapped I noticed it (I was probably six) and asked who it was for. My father said “It’s for you!” and I was beside myself. I loved that coal carrier. I used it to store all my treasures and when I got older I used it as a trash can. I have no idea what happened to it, or who it was originally for or why my father would have bought it in the first place. It was plastic, after all.Acutally, now that I think about it, I bet someone gave it to my father as a Christmas gift. LOL! I bet my father REGIFTED ME!I’ll have to ask my mother about that.


  23. I cannot believe she has that pattern! My mom and I wore several pairs of these when I was in high school in the early 70’s. There is even a picture of me in one as an outfit for a band dinner. It was surprisingly comfortable to wear–but I always worried about things showing that shouldn’t.


  24. And the absolutely worst gift ever was an incredibly ugly handmade ceramic clock from my mom’s stepmother. The funny thing was–it cracked so she took it back to fix it. When she gave it back she had changed the color of it somehow from a really disgusting green to something I liked. I was actually sad when it broke permanently the next time.


  25. I am WEARING a pair of them right now, in crazy purple linen. I’ve never owned a pattern; I bought a pair on vacation once and dissected them after they shrank in the wash.I dart the back and don’t gather anywhere, so they aren’t so..poofy. But they’re comfortable and striking at once, which is a handy combination. I tend to wear bike shorts underneath them.Worst present…gotta be the 1950’s whiskey decanter shaped like a fat Scotsman, as created by someone who didn’t seem to have ever seen either a tartan or a human being, but only knew them by description. It had hooks around the behind, holding little black mugs for the whiskey.I still shudder at the thought of it.


  26. Oh, and one of the best presents ever is the Bernina 440 QE that is en route to me right now, courtesy of my fantastic mother.


  27. The worst present ever recieved was a YEARS out of date set of blouses from Talbots. How do I know they were out of date? I tried to return them and the SKUs were not in their computer system anymore!oh, those were so ugly (and not my style.)


  28. When I was in high school I lived with this very scroungy old lady (not related to me). A new bank opened up in our neighborhood, and for their grand opening they gave away free potholders with the bank logo on them. She went through the line at least five times and tried to get me to do the same. I refused, and we got in a big argument right there in the bank with gazillions of people around. Finally a security guard told her she’d had her fair share and threw both of us out.You guessed it, I got some of those potholders for Christmas that year.(That doesn’t beat the urinal story, but no thanks on the pattern anyway.)


  29. When I was 5, my kindergarten class made a communal art project poster of an angel. You know the type; the angel’s gown is made of wadded up tissue paper glued down and its halo is glitter dumped on glue, complete with glitter drool.I LOVED that angel, and lucky me, I won it in a raffle at our school Christmas party.My mom put that poster on the wall for twenty years until finally it wouldn’t stay up because the back was so slick from years of tape and blu-tack no adhesive would stick.The year I turned 25, I came home for the holidays and my parents give me this big flat rectangle wrapped for my Christmas week birthday.They’d taken that kid-art poster to a framers and had it backed with stabilizing paper. It was framed in this great old-gold as well. I swear, it must have cost them $400.00. It’s so charming and incongruous to have a ratty poster in a fancy frame like that. And it is *wonderful.*I started to cry and cried all the way to dinner. I still tear up when I think of it. It’s the most thoughtful thing I’ve ever been given.But I have to admit… I doubt the pants.


  30. My brother gave me a wooden plank, with walnut colored varnish and four rocks glued to it. I asked him if it was his own creation, and he said no, he found it at a garage sale and thought it was something I would like.


  31. I really want to know what the “Love Glove” is, but I’m scared to google it.No thanks on the skants pattern – I try not to wear things that I used to put on my Barbie dolls. Although if it turned into a cape…


  32. I don’t want the pattern, but I admit having two such pants, and loving them. They work fine even in windy weather if you add something like hoops or snaps to keep them from opening in the upper part (takes all of ten minutes), and can be rather elegant and comfy depending on the fabric (mine are silk, one plain and one embroidered). Worst gift, well, my mother took my boyfriend from the head of the list this year, with a very ugly bronze reproduction (a nude, to add to it) that she also bought for my brother and sister…


  33. Highly amused about the granny night dress comments. My (new) husband bought me one cos he loves the whole victorian thing – its never on long!Worst present – this year from a friend who requested an expensive jewellery box and gave a BAR of SOAP in return…


  34. When I was six, my family had a poodle named GiGi (my mother was a Leslie Caron fan what can I say) anyway, she was old (the dog…not my mother). My mother wanted to take her to the groomers to have her clipped before all of the festivities as we always had a lot of people over to the house. Poor GiGi, she had her bath and her clipping and then she just curled up and went to sleep…. And never woke up. I was heart broken.When I sadly unwrapped my Christmas presents, without my beloved GiGi, I was shocked to find that my parents had given me a little memento…..A framed photo of GiGi complete with her hair clippings glued on the picture. Seriously, to this day they claim that it was fashionable at the time and completely tasteful to stick dead dog fur onto a picture, but I am dubious.Seven years later my Grandmother asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I gave her a list of records (yeah I know I date myself) but instead of ANY of the records that I wanted….I received Disco Duck the greatest hits of disco (about 15 years AFTER Disco has mercifully died).But my bad presents have not stopped there, I have received:1.Membership to the fruit of the month club. There was only one of me (no kids ect at the time) and some months 10 pineapples would arrive or a crate of mango. One month, my fruit of the month (bananas) came complete with spiders.2.A baseball cap with straws and beer holders (I dont like baseball or beer) 3.A knitted tissue cover in the shape of an antebellum lady4.Two Bottles of Fen Phen (the diet drug that ended up killing people) from an EX. (subtle right?)5.And last year. I received a brand new wall calendar…from the previous year.


  35. My husband isn’t too hot on the whole presents thing. One year I recieved two bath towels. The worst one was getting an air-conditioner, and being told we didn’t have enough money to install it. I explained that presents are meant to be personal symbols of love not capital improvements and that we were $#% well installing it. The next year I got a doona.


  36. The pants without the wrap aren’t too bad – the wild print doesn’t do the pattern any favors, though. I play cello and would find them useful if sewn up in a classy, dressy fabric.My worst Christmas gift was given to me this year: a hand-sewn baked potato bag. Yup. Just a fabric bag that is supposed to be great for microwaving potatoes. I don’t even like baked potatoes! Talk about not knowing your giftee!


  37. The pattern isn’t all that bad (or at least the result isn’t, sez me who actually has made something _like_ those pants. I didn’t actually have a ready-made pattern, I made it myself, but the result was fairly reasonable, if not exactly flattering, since I actually have a _shape_, and don’t look like a fugitive from a concentration camp.My most favorite Christmas/birthday presents are the ones I have bought for myself (last year’s Xmas prezzie was a Palm, latest B’day prezzie was an iLiad, this year’s xmas prezzie was 5 sets of utterly delightful buttons with sci-fi motives (have sent Erin the URL, if there is interest…) :-)Can’t really remember any utterly didgusting xmas prezzies. This year I did get a very delightful one from one of my nieces, though: a homemade bookend, decorated with a waterlily with a frog (delightful and clever, IMO, though I don’t think it will actually see much use)


  38. I agree – MsManners had some doozies!The first year I was married and eagerly anticipating my husband’s gift, I was devastated. Now you have to understand the previous year he had gotten The Lord of the Rings trilogy for me (which I still have and read), so I was thinking it would be something of at least that caliber. Well, I was wrong!We live in the upper midwest – SNOW – not a lot of vegetation here in the winter that looks like much! On Christmas Eve day he went for a walk by himself. He cut some stalks of dried grass. That was my gift! I cried. Yes, I’m still married to him-30 years..and I usually chose my own ‘gifts’ except he’s pretty safe with bringing home spools of thread (as long as they aren’t black or white) which he puts in my Christmas stocking! This year my boss told him I needed the accessory table for my serger. She tried to do this slyly so I wouldn’t hear!! Right in front of her, he turned to me and asked if I wanted one. Yes, I got one. But the best part of the gift was the look on my boss’ face and her repetition of “I can’t believe he asked you – he just turned and asked you – what fun is that?”!!raisin


  39. My sister once gave me a tube of foundation that she had tried and didn’t work on her skin tone. Yes, she gave me used makeup. My best present ever happened this Christmas, my husband and I bought our first house!


  40. Got to add one more tale about a gift. When I turned 50, a girlfriend gave me one of those tack “Still foxy at fifty” dolls. When she left, I pitched it. What I forgot is that my husband’s 50th birthday was 5 weeks later. And she brought him the matching man doll. When she said to me, “Go get the other one and we’ll put them together,” I just took the new one our of her hand and tossed it over my shoulder into the trash. The three of us laughed until we were sick!


  41. This year for Christmas my mother-in-law gave me a spray can of cheap deodorant, a small jewelry pouch, a small, black, fake velvet thing, with nothing in it! Really! Although I do have to say that our wedding presents were even more fantastic:A yellow, plastic cutlery holder for when you wash dishes, a set of cheap, aluminum salt pepper shakers, a crocheted throw, which she subsequently asked to be returned to her. I just gave it back.


  42. Oh, dear. I truly am sorry at some of the awful gifts that have been gotten! I’m still thinking that PAYING FOR MY OWN PRESENT was pretty sucktastic, but it was also evocative; I paid for everything else in that marriage, you know? I’m torn between NEVER WEARING the jewelry, or wearing it as a reminder to never live like that again, or just treating it as pretty jewelry I bought myself. But reviewing the list here, I think it’s safe to say that sometimes NO gift is better than the gift that says I WASN’T THINKING ABOUT YOU AT ALL. Last year, an often broke but wonderfully helpful brother gave each of us a teensy flashlight that fit on a keyring: perfect for finding the keyhole at night! I was really pissed when I finally broke it. Another year, he gave me (the bus-waiting commuter) a series of little plastic hand-warmers which I LOVED. So thoughtful, and fifty cents apiece. The year I got my apartment, the oldest brother asked what I wanted, and he got me a butter dish – which WAS what I wanted. He apologised and said it was the only one he could find, but it was just fine.Is it inappropriate to ask the other ladies what their gifters were thinking? Why raisin’s husband got her grass? Alvrodul, I’d co-opt that pretty bookend for someplace that would get personal use – either books at my office desk, or cookbooks in the kitchen, or sewing magazines in the sewing room. Elizabeth, what is a doona?? Darx, I got a stiffly-stuffed automated Rudolph that played “Rudolph,”; its nose lit up and its legs thrashed feebly. It didn’t work, and my husband took it back to the vendor TWICE – the second time I had said, if it’s intended as a gift for me, rather than a “household gift”, it really wasn’t to my taste. He returned it to the vendor – I guess – but didn’t bother to replace it with another present. Aimee, I think your parents stealing your money and buying you a crapola car with it is … that’s out of the realm of “Bad Presents” and into the realm of “Bad Parents”. I’m sorry. Mickey’s mother’s gift is right up there, too. Sewducky, I really really hope you don’t mean that it’s normal in your family to overlook Sewducky. That’s not right. Although I have to admit, I’m curious about the gift. Ahh – was it electronic and inappropriate, perchance? Honestly, some of the gifts listed make me wonder if some people see Christmas as THE time of year to make other people feel as bad as possible. Surely not, but still, it does seem that way… Holly, I have a confession: peasant blouses, wrap trousers, dresses with X bodices, handkerchief hems … I still love the 70s styles, they’ve stuck with me. I just plain like them! I suppose my longest-lasting gift was the SURPRISE sewing machine I got when I was ten! My Dad had a whole kite-string of index cards with quotes, etc., to make me guess what it was, and I was PARALYZED with fear when I first opened it. I’d been hand-sewing since I taught myself at six, but I had just learned to use a machine that summer, and I was afraid of it. It was a very elderly Singer, and I still have it. I have since moved on – to the slightly less elderly Singer I got when I graduated high school. It was third-hand, and it was made the year I was born. Since sewing has absolutely coloured – has STRUCTURED my entire life – I’d say that was the most long-lasting gift I ever got; it shaped my entire future. I don’t know how many gifts do that*. (*Heh – although the Christmas Gift That Wasn’t, i.e., the necklace set that I bought myself, was also one of those gifts, as it turns out).


  43. LOL La BellaDonna, the gift was extremely offensive, so much so I usually don’t tell many people because it’s politically sensitive to a large group of people. As to being ignored, it’s entirely normal. LOL I’m so used to it, I’m more shocked when they remember, but I don’t worry about it too much, my son doesn’t get forgotten.


  44. My mother in law gave me a Kitchenaid mixer in 1992 for Christmas, because she felt sorry for me baking for 25 to 30 people every holiday.My husband never gives me date driven presents. He just buys anything he thinks I want, because he wants me to have everything. I’m the luckiest girl in the world, even after 29 years!My worst present was for my 16th birthday. My parents had always told me that they’d match whatever money I had for a car, dollar for dollar, when I was 16. So on my birthday, they told me my present was in the driveway. It was a tiny toy car. Everyone else laughed. I went for a walk for 4 hours. I got no other presents. I’ve never expected anything since.Give the pattern to someone who has said she loves it! That would be the best use for them.Happy New Year, Erin!


  45. The Christmas of 1987: My mother gave me a box of dickies…fake turtle neck sweater dickies to be worn under a sweater. She still doesn’t understand why a teenager in the eighties wouldn’t wear a dicky to school, much less one that would make it appear that I was wearing a sweater under a sweater. Weird.A couple of years later I was moving into my own appartment, and mom had bought a bunch of stuff that I would need. I fondly remember unwrapping a (thankfully new) toilet brush.The worst Christmas present, though, was one that I gave. I was fifteen and I’d found a beautiful Liz Claiborne shirt for my mom, and paid for it with my own money. It was expensive and I was certain she’d love it. She opened it and stated that she “didn’t wear brown.” A couple of months later it hung lonely and unworn in her closet, so I asked if I could borrow it. She instantly accused me of buying it just so that I could wear it. I was crushed. I wore it anyway.mere


  46. I dont want the pattern, as I was thoroughly traumatized by 70s hand-me-downs throughout the 80s (by the 90s I was old enough to put my foot down). Many of these came from my wonderful but taste-free aunt, who literally had a Salvation Army/Goodwill store addiction. Shed literally go everyday buy clothing by the pound. Not by the item. Pull items from select bins until you reach 5 lbs., $5.00. Every day.And I was tall, like her, so she took special joy in shopping for me. While everyone else would get e.g. shaving kits with flaking chrome blades, I would get half a dozen terrifying items. A billowing waisted (but skintight on chest butt) bat-winged tunic to be worn over the purple, size small (Im 510) stirrup pants. Plastic sailboat jewellry. Pink white horizontally striped harem pants. Brown cords that literally extended a foot past my feet. A pink corderoy smocked dress with embroidered cross-stitch roses… when I was a 13 year old tomboy. I blame that dress for my goth stage.My family enjoyed my horror so much, they arranged to have me open them without her there, so we could completely dissolve into hysterics without hurting her feelings.


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