More Fabric To Covet

sew bettie gingham

So yes, the nice folks at Sew Bettie Fabrics have LURED me into looking at their site by offering you, dear readers, 10% off with the coupon code "PINK". The fabric above is one I am seriously considering buying two or three miles of. I have a weakness for that color and abstract plaids. (I just like the CONCEPT of "abstract plaid.")

I also love their mustache print, which is calling out to be a stunt dress if ever any fabric was; I just don't have a suitable mustache-related event to make a dress for. (And actually, the idea of there being a suitable mustache-related event scares me a little, so, please, no suggestions in the comments.) Here, see for yourself:

sew bettie mustache

And this chain-link fabric: want. Perhaps to use with this pattern.

sew bettie chainlink

They have some other great prints, too, including a bike print (for those of you who liked my bike fabric a while back). One caution — the fabric is priced in fat quarters, so be careful when you place an order that you don't get much, much less than you expect!

0 thoughts on “More Fabric To Covet

  1. Just saw a mustache related event that took place in HI. A moustache party–some real, some made in wonderful shapes with eyebrow pencil. Looked fun. Would be perfect.


  2. 1. Yes! LOVE the chain link fabric.2. Upon your recommendation many many entries ago, I finally watched The Vogues of 1938 last night. It was, as forewarned, dreadful in the way of plot, but the costumes were fantastic. And Ive been watching House of Eliott and am THOROUGHLY hooked. What a fantastic show!3. I know you said not to, but I echo Anonymous 8:37 above. Here in Milwaukee, every so often someone will host a mustache party that includes real fabricated.


  3. I love the concept of “abstract plaid” too, but did you see the site’s name for that fabric? It’s “avant garde gingham!” Yellow is a horrible color for me, but I sort of want to make something with that fabric so I can tell people I’m wearing avant garde gingham!


  4. I think the fabrics are gorgeous but I can’t afford them 😦 I really want the bull dog print for this years’ dog show. I make a new dress to judge the dogs in every year.


  5. LOVE the chainlink. Nice color combos. But $36 a yard for cotton? I realize they are limited editions, but that’s a little crazy. Especially since by sewing for myself I regularly turn $3/yd fabric into limited edition clothing.


  6. I have this unhealthy obsession with facial hair in design. Bad idea, Erin. I’m going to buy 100 yards of that now.And may I suggest that you make a dress out of it in celebration of Manuary?


  7. Aww, someone beat me to suggesting the moustache and beard championships. Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. That print is AWESOME.


  8. Oh we are all so disobedient aren’t we Erin. You say no suggestions about mustache events and we fill the comments with them! Here in Australia we have Movember, which is a whole month dedicated to the (sometime hilarious) attempt of guys to get paid for growing a mustache. All proceeds go to research into a cure of prostate cancer.The material itself is quite quirky isn’t it?! Unfortunately though, yellow just doesn’t like me!On a side note, I love your blog, it is the only one I read all the time and you have inspired me! I have just finished a 1975 maxi dress in bright colours and am doing a 1973 style one with a big collar. And this is from a conservative pants wearing girl!


  9. I love these fabrics. I am on the hunt for fabrics to make curtains for the den. I am detrmined to use my vintage know how in my ‘new’ decorating books.


  10. Delurking to say the moustache print is obviously meant to be made into a swanky dress to be worn at a Marx Brothers themed event — perhaps one that takes place in Paris, much like the one featured at the end of the Woody Allen musical “Everyone Says I love you”.See, not scary at all.


  11. Thanks so much for featuring Sew Bettie! I would love to see the mustache fabric in a dress. or as a special detail, like a pocket, binding, or a collar.


  12. As another Aussie (Melissa) has already noted, we have Movember – which is getting bigger (the event, not necessarily the hair growth!) each year. C’mon, you KNOW you want to!


  13. Upon seeing the mustache fabric, my brother, who has a thing for facial hair, has commissioned a pillowcase out of it. Yes, he can afford the $36 a yard (less the pink discount, of course! And THANKS!). His wife will be outraged, in a my-husband-is-weird-and-obnoxious-but-I-love-him way. Which is probably why he wants the pillowcase.


  14. I don’t know about a dress or skirt made out of the mustaches. Something about mixing clothes and hair I’m not into.Maybe a bag of somesort… orPillows at a barber shop?


  15. In NZ, at the end of Movember there are celebratory fundraising balls, for which a moustache dress would be *perfect*.(also, this year’s NZ Movember raised funds for men’s health instead of prostate cancer specifically, because of a falling out with the Cancer Society about distribution of funds, or some such)


  16. Love all of those, especially the chain link. I must have no imagination, for I’m not sure I would have seen mustaches in that print.


  17. I adore abstract plaid too. I think it’s good for my budget that it’s an american company, since shipping and customs makes it very expensive to order from outside the EU, which means that I won’t buy it.


  18. the Vogue pattern is cute! will cotton be appropriate, though? it doesn’t have the same drape as ‘Crepe de Chine, Batiste and Charmeuse’ just curious


  19. I know you said no suggestions in the comments, but I’d like to point out that there is actually a national fake mustache day.It’s sometime in February.Love the fabric.~Fred


  20. Oh that mustache print is wicked, me want! Also I want to say that I nominated you for the Kreativ blogger award because I love your approach to everything dress related.


  21. Hi! I love your blog SO MUCH. I Just stumbled upon it about 4 minutes ago and then I foudn teh vintage patterns website and I’m totally tryign hard not to hyperventilate. I’m very excited about exploring every inch of this place.I tried finding more about you and what this blog was made for? I can’t find an introduction or an about you post or anything like that? I want to know!xox Max CaliforniaP.s. That moustache fabric is prolly the best thign ever invented!


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