Eh … What's Up, Doc?

Carrot Dress

Those orange things on the dress above? They are CARROTS. Don't believe me? (Or the fantastic Angela, who sent the link?) Check it out:

Carrot Dress

It's from Etsy seller honeybeevintage, and it's TINY (and $65). But nutritious! (It reminds me of this, a little.)

Two quick sale notices:

Sandritocat is having a "Pre-Spring Cleaning Sale (but it's really a "I've got too many boxes of unlisted patterns sale")" and is offering 20% off plus the usual multiple purchase discounts on shipping, plus free shipping if you purchase three patterns.

— Jen at MOMSPatterns (when she's not taunting me about how much warmer it is in Jacksonville, FL than Chicago, IL) is also having a sale, from now until the end of the month. Kindly use coupon code 'febsale' until Midnight EST Saturday, February 28, 2009 and save 20% off of any order. Jen am listing some DIVINE vintage Vogue patterns, loads of Viva-Las-Vegas-worthy designs, more New Old Stock children's patterns, and she has a dwindling Sale Area where patterns have been marked down to just $1.50. Note: If those aren't gone by the end of the month, Jen's donating them to charity …

— Oh, and check back in Friday (if not before) where I'll be announcing a SLIP GIVEAWAY from Vintage Hem. You know how much I love slips …

0 thoughts on “Eh … What's Up, Doc?

  1. Erin, you’ll be happy to hear that Jen is coming to see me next month, in Indianapolis. And asked if flip flops are appropriate footwear here, in the first week of March. I should’ve told her yes……


  2. Too funny! Including your links to your previous posts. I laughed so hard and silently, my daughter thought I was sobbing.Thank you!


  3. Slips! I need Slips. I have my mother’s half slip form the 50s and my full slip form my army days that I have worn to shreds. I love slips!Are flip flops ever appropriate foot wear outside of the beach and public showers?


  4. Just bought a pair of flip flops. They have polka dots.. and a bow. How could I say no? Then again, I’m in FL too!!I like the vegetables. I have a fruit sundress that you should see .. up for sale this week. It’s watermelon-y sweet.


  5. Hi,I think it was in your blog but I can’t not find the day. You were asking for help to identify a Vogue pattern wedding dress. Was it you? If it was in your blog then, the Vogue Dress is Bellville Sassoon V2906, Vogue Bridal Original. You can find it in the June/July edition of Vogue patterns Magazine.hugsEly


  6. Am I the only one who can’t shop Mom’s Patterns because the search function won’t show any page past the first one? I mean, I’ll click on a catagory, say 1950’s, and it brings up multiple pages, but will only show me the first one. Is it me?-Sandra


  7. I love the carrot dress, but especially the salad dress under the link. and now we ALL know Chris March from Project Runway!


  8. Anonymous Ebay seller, I can’t get behind used clothes in general, and intimate apparel not at all. Now, show me a pattern, and I am all over it. It’s my own hangup, but I got patterns a long time ago when they were out and before they became outerwear. I know, I’m weird.


  9. HI everyone! EVERY now and then someone will email me to let me know they’re having problems with the search; and NORMALLY, if you clear your cache or cookies out, that solves the problem right away! I think because it’s a pretty image laden place, something goes whacky when you browse a lot. And with 2000 patterns on the site .. that’s a lot of schtuff to look at! :)I am so sorry to hear you’ve had a problem! I hope this lil’ tip helps you with any future shopping treks 😀


  10. I think the orange things look more like squash blossoms than carrots. They all curl at the tips, and carrots usually don’t.Carol in Denver


  11. This is totally unrelated–although at least sartorial in nature–but where did you get the dress you wore for the TED talk you gave a while back? I LOVED it! (Great talk, too, by the way!)


  12. I was SO excited to see that you had a tag for vegetables . . . and so sad to see that this dress was the only one so far that had qualified . . . I know that vegetables on dresses are limited, but consider that we do need several servings of veggies a day! What better way to get them than through our daily serving of dresses? And this one is so cute! (note to self: must hunt for more veggie dresses)


  13. I take it all back – I just did a google search for vegetable dresses, and who should top the list? Dress a Day, of course! How could I have missed the salad days dress? The giant artichoke dress? You rock my world.


  14. Cute as a button, but SO short! eek! Some of these cute vintage dresses make me wonder how the original wearers walked down a breezy street without showing their drawers to the world!


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