A few links for Friday

(Let's just say that when I *started* this post, it was called "A few links for Wednesday". This week just DISAPPEARED. If you see my Tuesday running around, will you tell it to come home NOW? It's grounded until further notice.)

very old weird sewing machine

Check out this fascinating interview with Harry Berzack, a sewing-machine collector. (That's one of his machines above.)

Mary Beth is having another Chicago Fabric Swap! I will definitely be there, with another laundry basket of fabric that needs a new home.

And Oh! The day we have been waiting for has arrived, because Gothic Charm School: An Essential Guide for Goths and Those Who Love Them
is out! Hooray for Jilli (and her intrepid illustrator/husband Pete!) If you have not yet encountered the magic that is Our Lady of the Manners, you should check out this video.

I think that's all I have for Wednesday today. Well, except for this. What can I say? I'm a sucker for old gold. Although I think it would be cooler if they showed pictures of the raw materials as well as the finished dress. Preferably in a Pretty in Pink-style montage, except without ending up as that awful actual Pretty in Pink dress.

I promise a return to a more regular blogging schedule next week. I think. Wish me luck!

19 thoughts on “A few links for Friday

  1. Wow! That eCouture dress is GORGEUOS!! And so reasonable priced! But why, oh, why would they line it with acetate, or not change it if that was the original? *sigh*


  2. So glad youre back! The blogosphere is a howling wasteland without regular DaD updates.I adore Gothic Charm school (even though Im about as far from being a Goth as one person can possibly be!) Good manners apply to everyone, whether they have piercings or not.


  3. The Ecouture is lovely.I hate the pretty in pink dress. Its constructed terribly, besides being ugly. it needs darts!


  4. I also forgot about that not so flattering pink dress, but loved the movie. She looked especially good in pink though, I thought.


  5. Wish you good fortune for more blogging time? You betcha! Days can be such slippery things, cant they.Lovely quote from someone on the sadly departed Home Truths on (BBC) Radio4 he was the sort of man to whom the day of the week always came as a surprise {Aagh!! Is this Wednesday??}.Cheers,AJ


  6. Wish you good fortune for more blogging time? You betcha! Days can be such slippery things, cant they.Lovely quote from someone on the sadly departed Home Truths on (BBC) Radio4 he was the sort of man to whom the day of the week always came as a surprise {Aagh!! Is this Wednesday??}.Cheers,AJ


  7. Im afraid I find those wacko early sewing machines fascinating. I keep scoping YouTube for videos of them actually being used, but no luck.


  8. I had to make a copy of that Pretty in Pink dress for an episode of Veronica Mars! Funny thing was that the actress really didnt want to wear such a shapless frock. Of course it needed darts ( at least )!Antique sewing machines are so fascinating – I too would love to see a few in action.


  9. Yeah–good luck! Of all my bloggy blog subscriptions youre my fave and I have been totally missing you this week! 🙂


  10. Ewwww I find that Pretty in Pink dress just ghastly! And I agree with Nan Jaeger that the actress looked good in pink. I wonder if that was any consolation for her?


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