Tuesday is Gratuitous Pockets Day Here At Dress A Day HQ

Let's start with this one, sent to me by Kristin:

McCalls 9378

And then there's this one, submitted by Maranda, which apparently I've posted about before, since the pattern image was already saved to my hard drive:

Simplicity 3233

I realized lately that I talk about pockets all the time but I never say what I need those pockets FOR. So here's what's in my pockets today:

my pedometer
my lipstick (in "Urgent!")
— a check I need to deposit, and a pen
— my Palm Pre

I often also have my keys, my wallet (like this one, only black and with two zip pockets), and other assorted things, but those are in my backpack today.

What's in your pockets today?

43 thoughts on “Tuesday is Gratuitous Pockets Day Here At Dress A Day HQ

  1. Oh! I actually have pockets today! But theyre only filled with a tube of lipstick. (Which is called Champagne, but is actually bright pink.)


  2. Dirty Kleenex. You asked. LOLLove the top dress. I like the second one, but the pockets are almost too big. Would be great for someone that has no hips to speak of. 🙂


  3. I rarely have anything in my jeans pockets but in my sweatshirt kangaroo pocket are my wallet, cell phone and keys. Only problem with putting them there is that I forget where they are and spend HOURS searching for them. Like looking for glasses perched on my head!


  4. do coat pockets count? car keys and gloves (was cold this morning). My phone was there before I put in on my desk.I tend to not put things in my pocket…see earlier post about someone with no hips…which does not describe me.


  5. I normally wear jeans (so I dont have to take along a purse, which I generally despise). I have in my pockets: right front: car keys. always.left front: chap stick, cell phone, miscellaneous coins.right rear: wallet. always.left rear: nada. :-)I always know where things are cuz they are in their appropriate pockets. 🙂


  6. Most everything is in my purse or the life support system as DH says. I love purses. I also love pcokets. No skirt pocket today. In my coat pocket was a a list of supplies my dad gave me last spring to fix the Duncan Phife chair I bought for $10 in an antigue store, a Publix reciept, and and empty candy wrapper.


  7. Pockets can look quite pretty (like the loop shaped ones on the first picture in this post), but should never never be used for holding anything heavier than a kleenex. As a few other commenters have pointed out, carrying your days requirements in pockets spoils the line of the outfit. Use a bag or purse!


  8. right front: keys, money (both bills and change)left front: cell phoneright rear: small, card-carrying-case type wallet, for ID and debit card Shirt pocket: ciagarette pack (sorry!) with lighter tucked insideHanging from neck of shirt: dark glasses (in season)


  9. Earlier:receipt from the thrift (had to return pants that didnt fit)cell phone used for miscellaneous calls to the men in the family, none of whom would answer promptly. And a call from the daughter who got the highest grade in her college biology test. YAY!lipstick in Wine on Ice.


  10. Putting things in my pockets may ruin my line, but so does walking and sitting. Im willing to sacrifice my line for these things. Im wearing a skirt with one big interior right hip pocket, and a fleece pullover with a kangaroo pocket. I had my wallet, my iPod Touch (only in the fleece pocket, and only when I needed to use both hands to fix the copier), my watch (I usually put it on as I walk to work), and an ATM receipt in there at various times. I usually have a handkerchief, but left it at home today for some reason.


  11. I had jeans on earlier, with money in one of the pockets (yay money). I put side seam pockets in the skirts of most skirts dresses I make. If Im wearing one of those, theres a handkerchief in one pocket (gets pulled through a beltloop if Im wearing jeans; I *always* have a handkerchief and make them myself out of leftovers from cotton projects), and my mobile or ipod in the other. If Im wearing an apron in the kitchen, my ipod is in the pocket and Im rocking out to hair metal while making jam. 😉 -d


  12. When patterns call for pockets, I skip that step. But, if I had the pockets in that second pattern I would probably keep a lap dog in each one.


  13. Twenty-one dollars in cash that I found in the laundry. [it was mine to begin with, so I didnt get TOO excited!]Pockets only spoil the line if youre wearing pants that are too tight, or a really fitted skirt, or if the pockets are the ridiculously small pockets that they always put on womens flat front dress pants. Otherwise, you can at least fit a chapstick [I cant live without chapstick], a cell phone and a slim wallet.Ive actually recently started *carrying* a purse after years of pocket-stuffing… does that mean I lose my D-a-D credentials? In my defense, its a vintage-style Liz that I found at the thrift store…


  14. a bit of change, and tube of Blistex or gloss, everything else I dont normally need during the dayis in a bag. I would put lipstick in my pocket, but I havent mastered putting it on well without a mirror. I usually dont put much in pockets – dont need the added bulk!Erin – does the more frequent postings the last week or so meant youre getting settled in from the move/company startup/etc ???


  15. I dont usually keep much beyond tissues and grocery lists in my pockets. I did just check though, and had a good laugh. I found my cats eye drop medicine, which I had put in this morning in hopes of catching him and administering the drops. (He doesnt like his eye drop and runs.) –Karen


  16. I love pockets! Especially those tiny little penny pockets on a bodice. Okay not useful but so cute!


  17. Lint. I love that first dress, its dang cute! I wish I could wear dressed like that but how do you get around the whole bra thing? Strapless, I suppose…


  18. PS: When Im in drag (which is only for a few hours, not a whole day), I always carry a small clutch thats stuffed to the brim with makeup, and tissue for blotting…in addition to the more mundane stuff. I guess powder and lipstick is all I ever use once Im out, but am always afraid Im going to get hit in the face by a breaking wave — even though I live in the city — and will have to repair everything. I actually do need lipliner and a bit of foundation handy, too, in case someone kisses me vigorously. And whats life if you dont leave room for that? (PPS: The real trick with heavy makeup is to take your time applying it using a 3-way magnifying mirror turned to its brightest setting. You can buy one from the 70s at a garage sale for $3. If you can get it so your makeup looks okay in that, it will look flawless out-and-about in real life.)


  19. PPPS: For a very etched, defined look with your Rouge Passion, lightly outline lips with MAC Beet, then trace the tiniest bit of their Burgundy on top of that when youre all done. Dont forget the very inner corners of your mouth. Lipstick can easily bleed outward from there, but not pencil.


  20. Oh, Cookie. I dont have much call to use these make-up ideas since I spend most of my time in KOA campgrounds, but its nice to know that if I have occasion to go out where people might see me I now know exactly how to do my lips. And get tips. Very good info to have!


  21. Left skirt pocket: tissues and mobile phoneRight skirt pocket: walletLeft jacket pocket: keysRight jacket pocket: bus card


  22. In my hoodie after getting the kids from school- One oak leaf, one tiny maple leaf, my glasses case, one shiny penny, two large woodchips, one smooth rock and one perfect acorn cap. Why yes, I have a small naturalist with me, who hands me stuff and says can you put this in your pocket for me? even though he had four of his own pockets… just makes me check pockets extra well before laundering!


  23. In the pork chop pockets of my wrap skirt:one hair scrunchieone half-used tissuesafety pinstwo store receiptsBlistex complete moisture stick$20 billbusiness card research notes


  24. Cookie.I have been desperately seeking the right color of red lipstick. I am quite sure once I find it I can take over the world. AND thanks to the makeup tips…7 of us are going as the 7 Deadly sins and want to do elaborate makeup. I wish I had a drag queen friend here to do it for me. sigh.


  25. In my jeans: A hankie (as always) in my right pocket, and my ipod (slightly unusual and indicating that I realized I could make a boring afternoon at work much much better with the application of music) in my left.In my coat: My keys and another hankie in the right pocket, a roll of doggie bags and an old receipt in the left.Everything else important lives in my purse and is either too bulky for my pockets or something I dont ever want to have to search through last weeks pockets for.


  26. In my jeans: A hankie (as always) in my right pocket, and my ipod (slightly unusual and indicating that I realized I could make a boring afternoon at work much much better with the application of music) in my left.In my coat: My keys and another hankie in the right pocket, a roll of doggie bags and an old receipt in the left.Everything else important lives in my purse and is either too bulky for my pockets or something I dont ever want to have to search through last weeks pockets for.


  27. Cookie, if you pop back in……….I finally got that other 4 Yard Line Pattern listed on the website….its Butterick 2168.


  28. I dont have much call to use these make-up ideas since I spend most of my time in KOA campgrounds Quitter! This is what you can do to meet lipstick halfway: Put some Vaseline or an oily lipbalm on your lips, then dot some lipstick on top. (Not as much as you would use on dry lips.) Smooth it around together, and you will end up with a nice, transparent stain. And since it will be sheer, it will not look awful if it moves around outside your lipline at some point. And while youre at it, you can groom your eyebrows by rubbing a very small amount of Vaseline over them, then brushing them into place with an old, soft toothbrush. This can encourage eyebrow growth over time, though, so pluck them into shape beforehand if you dont want heavier brows.Makeup artist Bobbie Brown says the most invaluable lipstick to have for everyday is one that matches your own lip color as closely as possible (it will naturally harmonize with the rest of your coloring), so try experimenting with one like that, in addition to reds and burgundies, etc. (You can also pick out good eyeshadow colors by looking at the colors that already exist in your eyelids and under-eye area.)Lets go!


  29. Well, I have pockets and I have keys and lip balm. Some combination of the above at all times. Meaning, I never know which pocket has what until Ive search them all.


  30. I love pockets! Every blazer jacket, skirt, dress, and pants I have has pockets; deep pockets. I keep a small wallet with all the things I need plus my keys. I wear overalls alot and they have lots of pockets. Oh I always have pockets for my hands, I always have my hands in my pockets!


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