Oh! Yes, please.

Sarai of Colette Patterns sent me links to her new dress patterns, and I looooooove this one.

Colette Rooibos Dress

Leaving aside the photo styling, which I find very appealing, it's also a lovely dress. The teeny collar! A midriff band! Instructions for piping the neck and armholes. And (of course) POCKETS!

Here's the line drawing:

Colette Rooibos Dress

Click on either image to visit her shop listing … as soon as I sew roughly eight more versions of the Heidi dress, I may be heading her way myself!

29 thoughts on “Oh! Yes, please.

  1. *unf* Gorgeous!I need a new dress for my department holiday party and this would be perfect. Alas, the party is Sunday the 13th so this pattern wouldnt arrive in time. Maybe next year, though…


  2. Could be very chic. But as pictured, only for 20-somethings. For anyone older than that, it needs to be longer. (I dont sew, but Im guessing that those of you who do would know how much more material to buy to lower the hem.)


  3. I love the Colette patterns, but I have yet to buy any because they look a bit too advanced for my beginner sewing skills.


  4. Looks very 60s Butterick in style. Could be that special Little Black Dress for the holidays!


  5. I was one of the testers for this design, and my version turned out great! Mine is not quite as short as pictured here. I wear it to work with tights and find it completely office-appropriate.


  6. This is a nice dress. Just need it a little longer below the knees. Id also prefer long sleeves. I like that tan jacket. and of course like you Erin, I LOVE THE POCKETS!


  7. Her patterns are stunning.Love the colors in that dress and jacket goes together like a dreamDarlaretroways.blogspot.com


  8. I adore the jacket pattern. The dress, Im a little meh on. I think its the collar. Its too small and indecisive. Is it a collar, or is it a facing? Whatever. ;PI do however, adore the blouse pattern. Its elegant.Garnet


  9. I think all of her patterns look like they are too tight for the models. Like they would be uncomfortable. But thats just me. A little more ease and they are lovely.


  10. I just pre-orderd this and the blouse, plus I have two of her *older* patterns. Love the details and the instructions are wonderful. I am dreaming of what fabric I will use for the dress first….


  11. I like the design, without the little collar.Inexplicably, everything looks so short to me, recently! Whats wrong with garments JUST above the knee, or even 1/2 below? Short dresses are looking kind of kindergarten-ready to me all of a sudden.


  12. Still, I see the version on the right in thin black velvet, with slim 3/4 sleeves added. Length just below the knee, as stated above, and fill in the neckline with a chunky, triple stand of pearls. This is the kind of dress youd want in a few colors….turquoise velvet would be next. Then maroon. Then maybe a rich purple.


  13. Cookie is right. Sometimes short dresses like this can look kindergarten-y (not sexy). The proportion here is all wrong, making the model look chunky.Its not a collar, its an exposed facing.I love me some pockets, but the placement here is unfortunate. They point to her tummy and draw attention to the widest part of the body.Great colors!


  14. That is a perfect little dress that would be appropriate for almost all seasons!Drop by my blog for 12 days of giveaways!


  15. You have a nice blog with useful information and your blog is the best fashion blog I really like it! You really know your stuff. Everything on here just looks amazing! i am truly inspired! Thanks!


  16. Well Im always happy to see people supporting knitwear, since thats what I sell! LOLI can see why that is your dream storage system, its beautiful!


  17. I have looked at the Collette patterns longingly for some time, but her size 0 is still two inches bigger than my bust (and in real life, I do not wear a 0 in most brands). Alas, I just have no interest in grading patterns. Im all for extending the size range of patterns, but I would appreciate it more if it didnt eliminate the size I actually wear.


  18. I love it! It reminds me of an office dress I bought at a high-end department store when I was in my 20s. I disagree with some about the short length being just for the young. We petite (read short) people get tired of dresses that make us look like were wearing our mothers dress. I think the length would be just right, even for us 40-somethings.


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