Simplicity Itself

Simplicity 2463

This is from Janet at Lanetz Living, who has TWO copies of this in stock (as I write this) in B35 and B37. I *almost* made one of them mine, but I'm trying to hold fast to my resolve not to buy any more patterns until 2010. If you are not laboring under a similar resolution you might want to know that Janet is having a sale: 25% off your entire order (one time only); it ends 12/31.

I really love this (and I'm sure the orange version lurking in the background has nothing, nothing to do with that). I'd even recommend this as a fantastic candidate for a wedding dress (again, in the long and sleeveless version, but possibly not in orange). Think of it in a heavy peau de soie, yes? Or a really nice brocade … lovely. Slap a veil on that sucker and call it a day. (Although: *don't* call it "the happiest day of your life." Why limit yourself?)

The version with sleeves is a bit too Star Trek Epaulet for my taste, but hey, your taste may (and certainly can) differ. If you love it, go for it. Live long and prosper.

21 thoughts on “Simplicity Itself

  1. Nice accessories! This IS elegant, but could also go Pilgrim for Thanksgiving theme parties if it were all brown, and just the center piece white, front and back. I am beginning to think no hostess wardrobe is complete without a jaunty yet subtle Pilgrim dress for the holidays. Think of the memories youd be creating! And it could be passed down through the generations, like a Santa suit.


  2. I hear ya sister in the,dont call it the happiest day of your life. Im engaged and im SOOO sick of hearing how it will be the best day of my life! Ive been with my partner since high school, almost 10years now, sure marrying the man of my dreams and having a big fabulous party sure will be an amazing day…but surely with all the wonderful things that you can achieve in the world, surely theyll be many more. Forgive my rant, Im just so pleased to hear Im not alone lol 🙂


  3. Thats the famous swan neck of myth and legend and pattern envelope. Me, I dont find the no shoulders look to be attractive. Lacking a diminutive and modest spirit, I actually have shoulders and prefer something with a set in sleeve.


  4. Ive noticed the slenderette label before, too. It sounds like an artificial sweetener.Theres a sad line of patterns from the 1950s and 60s called CHUB-DEB. I dont know if Deb is supposedly a person, or a debutante. But the girls on the patterns always look perfectly fine.


  5. Cookie – well short women anyway. Im 52 but broad shouldered and large bossomed. I guess you could say its a height and weight thing.


  6. Well hello. I wanted to drop you a line and see if youd ever seen this website: out some of the costume dresses this chick has made. AMAZING. I am absolutely appalled that there is such a gorgeous Austen-esque ball gown in existence and that it is not under my possession. Theres also a particularly fabulous 20s silk dress. sigh! You have to look…


  7. Im 510 yet I find I prefer using vintage half-size patterns because theyre fuller busted yet not as wide across the shoulders as their full size equivalent. I like my bodices fitted, yet full sizes always seem to come up a bit baggy and I end up having to take them in.I find it much easier lengthening the waist if necessary, and adding a good 4 – 5 inches to the bottom hem than making FBAs…


  8. Im 510 yet I prefer those vintage half-size patterns, as they have fuller busts with slightly narrower shoulders than full-size. I like my bodices fitted and full-size patterns (even those allegedly in my size) always seem to come up baggy or fall off the shoulders, and have to be taken in.I find it much easier to lengthen the waist (when necessary) and add a good 4 – 5 inches to the bottom hem than to do FBAs…


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