Wait 'Til Next Year

You know how some people have a go-to little black dress, which they can wear to anything? I feel like I need a go-to costume, for the same purpose.


It's too late for this year, but I feel like this dress, made in silver lamé knit, would be THAT DRESS. Obviously, it could be any kind of Space Empress, but also you could turn it into a robot, or add some kind of tabard and be a playing card, or a knight, or any number of things. And if you did it right you would never be cold on Halloween, and you wouldn't have to worry about showing too much skin, or uncomfortable shoes, any of the other dumb things that come with costume-wearing. Silver hooded dress: the savior of Halloween. (It's almost as good as a gorilla suit!)

The jumpsuit … could also be a costume. A very, very scary costume.

This dress is even ON SALE: Jen of MOMSPatterns is having a Halloween Weekend sale of 20% off until The Witching Hour of Midnight (ET) on October 31, 2010. Coupon code is 'sewscary'. [Geddit?]

15 thoughts on “Wait 'Til Next Year

  1. I’m pretty sure I made this pattern.
    the year: 1968
    the sewing machine: a brand-new Singer 638
    the fabric: a silky knit animal print
    the novice-sewer error: the animals marched UP one side of the jumpsuit and DOWN the other side!

    I loved it anyhow and wore it a lot until my 18-year-old figure changed to something more matronly.

    (HUMS) thanks…… for the memories


  2. From the look on the model’s face, she had the same thought. “Come join me in the land if condiment themed clothing. I am Mustard. Would you like to be. . . Relish?”


  3. Can the jumpsuit be modified? If so, I would need it in a hot pants version. I would make it in red. My Sexy Ketchup Bottle hot pants jumpsuit would definitely “out-sexy” the Mustard Bottle gown.

    Unfortunately, modern day Halloween costumes seem to be all about being sexy. All I want to do is make a Rick James style wig out of circus peanuts. And, you just know my wig would never be a contender for best costume in a sea of sexy, so sexy condiment bottle it is.


  4. Ha! My mother made matching jumpsuits for my sister and I out of this pattern. The jumpsuits were in a tiny black and white optical illusion pattern. Great for accessories!


  5. This is one of those patterns which is non-commital. It requires much of the wearer in terms of accessorizing to give it style and (umm) relevance. It’s almost as if the designer never finished putting in the defining details.


  6. Silver lame knit? It just so happens, I have VTG 80s silver lame knit at Bellafabric. It’s not listed on the website or ebay, but it’s in stock at the store; Bellafabric in Green Bay, WI 920-339-8452. I’d be happy to send a swatch! Oh, it also comes in gold, and dark blue and (I believe) black with silver thread.


  7. My go-to costume is a top that I made out of a glittery fabric covered in cobwebs. I wear it over black pants and turtleneck with spider earrings. I wore it to our cul-de-sac Hallowe’en potluck last night. When a little boy asked me who I was, I said “Miss Havisham”. I don’t think anyone under 50 knows who she is. I also realize that I should have been wearing a wedding dress covered in cobwebs.


  8. Um, I have that jumpsuit. In the finest double knit polyester of the 70s. I wear it for my Mary Tyler Moore costume, though I have to toss my beret in the air for people to guess my identity.


  9. That would be great for a robot costume. For the past few years, I’ve really wanted to be a classic robot–silver spraypainted cardboard box with random dials and glowy things, dryer vent tubes for arms and legs, and everything.


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