Liberty Report: First Prize

I did promise some posts about the fabric I bought in the UK, and here's the first, about a pattern called "First Prize" that I love:


I bought some a couple of years back (probably on eBay) and made this Duro with it. I waffled a bit about buying it in the navy colorway, since I hate navy shoes, but it's a very dark navy, and besides, I recently bought some kiltie-style heels that are the exact tan of the tan in this print. So there's that settled.

That said, I have no idea what this will be. Not another Duro. Possibly a shirtdress, if I bought enough. Whatever it becomes, I think of it as an early-October dress, with a light blue cardigan and a pocket full of those terrible-wonderful peanut-butter taffy candies that you only see around Halloween, wrapped in orange and black waxed paper. 

You don't have to go all the way to Liberty to get this fabric — it's online at Shaukat (where I bought it in-person), here.

5 thoughts on “Liberty Report: First Prize

  1. oooohh, I have some of that in brown and in blue and I was wondering if it was Liberty and now I know (the shop I got it from could be unreliable with labelling)! Maybe I’ll actually use it one day!


  2. I have a length of that in the brown with red/greyish mauve/beige rosette. Still an autumn/winter colourway. Have nothing planned for it yet. Imagined making a shirt out of it as I’m not sure there’s enough for a shirt dress, though that would be nice.

    Wouldn’t it be fun to get some striped gros-grain ribbon and make some crisp rosettes like that? Perhaps end-of-year prize-giving is too much on my mind…

    Did you buy more? Can’t wait for the next instalment!


  3. There’s some local Liberty for Chicagoans at Vogue Fabrics…but it’s not nearly the selection that you’ll find online or in London. Local Liberty here is on the tiny floral print side, a little boring for me but perfect for someone else. Look in the quilting aisle and look the Liberty Label on the selvedge.


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