Ooh, links!

Check out this great dress from Steph in Brisbane. I love everything about it:


Her whole blog is worth a visit. (Thanks to Robin for the link!)

This dress at LanetzLiving includes a picture of the previous owner wearing her version! So. Cool.


ModCloth did a great blog post on Ms. Frizzle … a sartorial heroine, to be sure. (Thanks to Mary Beth for the link!) 

NancyKay sent a link to this vintage ad — check it out: 


MEDIA UPDATE: I'm not sure what the overlap is between readers of this blog and of Scalzi's Whatever, but if you missed his blog a couple weeks back, he named something after me. (Awesome, yes.) And if you want to hear my opinions on the word "swagger" (and who doesn't, really) you can check out this article. And you all know I regularly write for the Boston Globe, yeah? (A reader of my blog told me last week she had no idea, so ….) And Wordnik is powering words of the week in the Wall Street Journal. Whew. I think that's it!



8 thoughts on “Ooh, links!

  1. You’re mnst welcome on the Ms. Frizzle link. It’s too bad most teachers wear jeans instead of dresses these days! Just imagine the reaction a teach would have from her students if she wore that yellow Linsk dress to school one day.


  2. I like the chevron effect on the skirt part of the dress. Now a days my attention stays on skirt part, i can explain, well …

    Please join the Month Long Celebration of SKirts @ Sew Skirt September

    Adithi’s Amma from Adithi’s Amma Sews


  3. Loving the inversion rule. So true! Does for all those SOH claims in lonely hearts ads. Now, if I say I’m luftmensch-ish (or luftfrau-ish) – Wordnik’s WOTD today – does that mean I’m not? Hoping so. 😉 Very cool news about the Wall Street Journal too. Congratulations!


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