Guess What? More 8728!

So, of all the things I love about Vogue 8728, the fact that it works so well with Liberty Tana Lawn is probably the thing I love the most. Here it is in "First Prize": 

Liberty First Prize Vogue 8728

Bodice is ready for close-up:


Liberty First Prize Vogue 8728 bodice

And the rear view:


Liberty First Prize Vogue 8728 back

I wasn't sure if this pattern would work for fall/autumn/rainy season, but in a dark color it does well, don't you think. I think I can even wear this with boots (nb: I have not tested this hypothesis yet). 

There have been two questions in the comments I haven't answered yet; one is "how does this work for bust(y|ier) people?" That's a good question. I am not sure I would wear this if I were a D cup or bigger, without serious underpinnings (or even with). The gathers do, um, emphasize the region, and part of the charm is that curved waistband. But if you're on the cups-runneth-over side and have made this, please leave a comment! 

The other question was about the depth of the armholes. I think they're okay, myself, but if you have a "no visible bra side panel" policy, this dress is not for you (or you have to tighten up that seam a little). 

The main danger with this dress is that I will never wear anything else. It is that good. So easy to make, so easy to wear …  

25 thoughts on “Guess What? More 8728!

  1. Ok, I’ve caved and am thinking of getting this pattern. You might have already answered this in one of the fifty billion other posts about this dress, but I notice that the pattern calls for shoulder pads – do you use them or leave them out?


  2. i really like it when you binge on a pattern. like heidi, remember her? you inspired me to get that pattern but then i got pregnant and never made it and i finally started last week.

    it’s cool to see so many iterations of a dress! are there more?


  3. That fabric design is perfect for this pattern. BTW, you convinced me to purchase the pattern itself. I picked it up at the last Vogue pattern sale at Hancock Fabrics. I’m considering making it up in a pinwale corduroy or a very lightweight wool and using it as a jumper for fall. Do you think that would work? Or does the bodice fabric need to be as light as cotton?

    I ask as a not-particularly busty woman.


  4. Thanks so much for answering about the armholes. I was seriously considering this pattern because it visually adds up top. But I’m one of those who believes underwear should remain under.


  5. LinB — I have a Heidi post coming soon, in the next couple of weeks. 🙂

    Lydia, I just finished another one of these in a very very lightweight Liberty wool, and it came out fine. I’d do a test gather on the corduroy and see how it works … sounds lovely!


  6. I’m a 38DD, and I made this dress out of swimsuit fabric & I LOVE IT!
    It took me a couple of bastings to get all the gathers in the bodice to arrange over the bust, but it worked out beautifully in the end, and I plan to make more 🙂
    Hope that helps


  7. I LOVE this dress and I love seeing it made up in so many different fabrics. I wish they would do this on pattern envelopes. It’s hard for me to see past a print or color when it’s not my favorite. I seriously love it when you fall in love with a pattern because then I get to see it made up in lots of different fabrics that I would actually wear and I get to see it on a person with shape, rather than a stick-figure. I think I’m going to have to try this pattern out. Thanks!


  8. this Liberty is my fave iteration so far of the pattern, it’s just great. Boots might be fine, as long as they’re not too heavy (imho).


  9. I have a D cup and I don’t think it’s too much. If you’re worried about it, maybe try it in a knit fabric or maybe eliminate some of the gathering.


  10. I have a triple d cup and I have the pattern and plan on making it, but then again I don’t worry about trivial things like it my boobs look too big. I thought the pattern was lovely and I bought it. Now, I can’t wait to make it.


  11. I have this pattern, but haven’t paired it with a fabric yet. You just sold me on the Tana Lawn for it, which is my very favorite, ever! This dress in a fall print with a cashmere sweater and boots sounds good right now. Thanks so much!


  12. Having made this dress so many times with different fabrics, how do you think it would work with charmeuse or crepe de chine? I just got some of each for my birthday and am dying to use it. Do you think it will show too many “lumps” (I mean of course, my own lumps…) because it is unlined? It seems like if it worked with tana lawn and voile it should work with charmeuse?


  13. I’m late catching up with your 8728 enthusiasm, Erin, but what a great pattern! Anything that augments in the bosom area is just fine by me. And if it works with Tana Lawn, what’s not to like?


  14. Margo — I think it would be very nice in charmeuse or crepe de chine … I was actually thinking of making one in some silk from my own stash!


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