Today’s Pattern Story: Simplicity 4574


Amelia had promised her mother that she'd retire her "bitch, please" face, but, upon hearing that Helen actually believed that Robert would be proposing that afternoon (in a hot-air balloon, no less!), no other expression would do.

"Not since the great deviled-egg crisis of the summer of '49 have so many people been so wrong about so much," Amelia thought. Robert might be proposing something in a hot-air balloon this afternoon, but it wouldn't be marriage, and it wouldn't be to Helen. If only Amelia could get the blueprints in time!

Pattern at MOMSPatterns … 


8 thoughts on “Today’s Pattern Story: Simplicity 4574

  1. Alas, once again I am thwarted by the difference between vintage size 14 and modern size 14. My hips are a good nine inches larger than the pattern, just for starters, and I don’t want to even think about the heavy duty shapewear I’d need to fit into it.


  2. Erin
    This is unrealted to this pattern or this blog post – can you please post some hints on how you would make an inseam pocket on the side of a dress where you also have a side zip?
    Many thanks


  3. I enjoy your ‘pattern stories’ Hilarious! I used to work in a fabric shop after school and would inhale the new style books each season.


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