Another 1577

I still can't seem to stop with Simplicity 1577. I made this one a while back:

It's from some of the fabric I bought on my last trip to Japan. It's a very, very fine-wale plaid corduroy, almost a velveteen.

Sorry for the dark photos — dark dress, dark room:


Simplicity 1577

Matched plaids on the front skirt! (This was easier than I thought, I used instructions from the Colette Sewing Handbook.)

Simplicity 1577

Not so much matching on the back — I ran out of fabric! But then again, if you're spending enough time looking at my rear to notice that the plaid isn't precisely matched, there's another discussion we should be having.


Simplicity 1577

The fabric was heavy enough that I lined the collar with a lightweight black fabric, instead of self-lining it: 


Simplicity 1577

And a slightly brighter view of the bodice: 


Simplicity 1577

This fabric is so soft and comfortable to wear — it's lighter-weight than it looks, so the skirt doesn't quite hang as nicely as in the denim and seersucker versions. But it's not a huge difference. It does pick up quite a bit of lint (especially in the wash). 

I think it may be time for another one … I have some heavy corded cotton that might be just the ticket!

9 thoughts on “Another 1577

  1. It’s a lovely dress. I’ve made a Burda pattern that is similar and I think it is a really versatile dress. The collar is my favourite part, too.


  2. i just love all your 1577 versions – i become more and more jealous with each one – you have made that pattern just about impossible to fine!


  3. Your blog makes me smile. I love that people still sew! Thanks for sharing… my friend gave me your book and I’ve been hooked ever since.

    Happy stitching everyone. xox


  4. For linty occasions, I purchased a giant lint roller from Cleaner’s Supply. Works like a charm; you only need a couple of rolls and the lint is gone.
    Another great dress, by the way.


  5. Nicely done on matching the plaids. I always say that if people can notice my zipper is a tad wonky in the back (or any other flaws for that matter), then they are way too close for comfort. As to a lint brush, I carry one in my car. Whenever possible, I interface with an appropriate material versus sew in/iron on interfacings.


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