Today's Pattern Story: Simplicity 9935

Simplicity 9935

Alison: Okay girls, everyone straight on the mission? Find your target, then catch, clamp, drag. Celia, you’re without a bridesmaid today, you gonna be good on your own?

Celia: No worries, Sarge, I got this. I’ll bring back a good one.

Alison: Bridesmaids, don’t be hasty. Select those targets with care. Catch and release was last week, this is live fire exercise. Repeat, this is a live fire exercise. I’ll see everyone back at Pastor Rivendale’s at 3 pm sharp, or the ice cream cake is gonna be soggy by the time we’re through with the ceremonies. Now — are we ready?

All: Hoo-AH!

[Lots of vendors for today’s pattern on the Vintage Pattern Wiki.]

17 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story: Simplicity 9935

  1. I had this pattern WHEN IT WAS NEW!! Sewed it out of pale purple dotted swiss!! Good thing the “live fire exercise” note wasn’t in the pattern envelope. The mission would have failed due to the pale purple dotted swiss.


  2. It occurred to me that I really should tell you how much I ADORE your pattern stories. Some of them have literally had me in tears. The whole concept is just genius and you have the most amazing insight into what is going on inside those women’s heads.


  3. Hi Erin,
    I wanted to let you know I’m getting a malware message when trying to access your blog. Additionally, since I’m subscribed to A Dress A Day, accessing my blog results with the same message. Unfortunately, I’ll have to unsubscribe from your blog, but I hope you’ll fix this unpleasant and irritating issue soon.
    Best of luck! Ana


    • Thanks Ana! It turns out that some of the OTHER blogs on my host’s network are compromised. 😦 They’re dealing with it now and I hope it gets updated very soon!


  4. WOW! That looks eerily like the wedding gown I wore back in 1969. Long bell sleeves. Mine was white brocade with braided lace borders along the cuffs, neckline and hem. I was too nervous to make it myself, so my grandmother, who was a professional seamstress, did it for me. She added an 8 foot detachable train and I had a milliner make a customized headdress.

    The bridesmaids wore dresses made from the same pattern… Short sleeves… Mint green satin.

    Thanks for the memories.


  5. OMG! This is the pattern Mum sewed her bridesmaids dresses from in 1974! Tomorrow is my parents anniversary too. She tells me it was a lovely 40C degree day (104 F)! Similar to the crazy hot weather we are experiencing here now in Melbourne (AUS)


  6. Hee! My mom had this pattern – in the 70s she sewed wedding dresses for friends and acquaintances in exchange for random things. And then she made me one out of a sheet for a Hallowe’en costume one year!


  7. HA! Not only did I wear this dress in high school (shortened the skirt), but I still own the pattern and made a formal for my daughter last year for a 70’s themed dance for school. Hmmm… never throw your patterns away!


  8. Well it’s not just me, then. I too wore the blue bridesmaid version, in a nifty dusty pink satin with a rough sort of veloury surface ( don’t know the technical term). It went great with my bowl cut and buck teeth. I was seven. Or maybe six. EEK.


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