Such Cool Fabric


Isn’t it, though? I wish this were yardage, but unfortunately it’s a vintage dress. (I say “unfortunately”, because it’s in pretty bad shape.) [Thanks to Robin for the link !]

I was unpacking all my fabric over the weekend and even though there’s quite a bit of it, it hasn’t really sated my fabric-love. I think having lots of fabric actually creates a desire for EVEN MORE fabric, since you start thinking “oh I’d love this weight but in this pattern and wouldn’t it be great if …” Lately I’ve wanted (and not been able to find):

  • large (like, 2″) gingham check in gray/white
  • large (like, 4″) red stars on a pale blue background
  • a cute conversation print of tiny red and gray tools on a mustard background (not “Welcome to the curtains for my little boy’s room!” tools, but like those 1930s prints that are so adorable). I want little hammers and screwdrivers and hacksaws …

I know I should just um, find another eight hours in the day and teach myself textile design, but I haven’t found those hours for all the other stuff I need eight extra hours for. And anyway, while looking for those fabrics that don’t exist, I found this one and this one (and this one and this one), and they’re all really nice! (Although I only bought one …)

What’s the most heart-stoppingly gorgeous fabric you’ve found recently? (I’m asking for a friend.)


17 thoughts on “Such Cool Fabric

  1. I bought a yard of this fabric recently, and I wish I’d bought more.
    I have a different print from the same line that I picked up in Portland last summer, and I loved it so much I went looking for more. Although it’s a quilting cotton, it washes up to feel more like poplin. Perfect for summer dresses. I ended up buying 3 yards of the yellow print with sea-gulls, and a yard of the grey sea-urchin for contrast.


  2. I bought this gorgeous tweed recently. I want to make something using Chanel jacket couture techniques so when it arrives I’ll be looking for a beautiful silk charmeuse lining. This might be one possibility and this might be another. The fact that I haven’t done any sewing for two years because we moved and the sewing room has only just come together is irrelevant, right?


  3. My friend Val, who recently passed, gave me this beautiful teal silk fabric and I promptly made myself a pair of “Princess Jasmine” style harem pants. Now she’s gone and I’m selling her patterns online to generate some extra income for her husband as she used to do. bittersweetness.


  4. Did you check Spoonflower? Even if you don’t have time to design your own fabric there might be someone like minded who has already designed something you can buy. I always find interesting and unusual prints on the site.


    • oh, good idea! I’ve had good luck with Spoonflower before, although occasionally I’ve had fabric run, too. šŸ˜¦


  5. Heavy, stable dark grey knit with big turquoise flowers embroidered at the border. Mum bought me the end of a roll for Christmas while I was in Italy (not cheap, but gorgeous!) and I’m saving it for something special.


  6. Depending on what was wrong with the “cool” dress, there’s always buying it anyway and making a skirt or sleeveless top out of it.


  7. Not for dressmaking, but a friend moving overseas gave me a piece of luscious faux fur, red with black tips, just big enough for a lap blanket.


  8. I have 5 yards of a pinwale black corduroy with appliqued fuschia flowers and embroidery all over it. It’s so beautiful, I’m afriad to cut into it. I’m not even sure what I’m going to do with it.


  9. Oh, so cute. I’m definitely bidding on that “cool” dress. Chances of winning are slim, but I will give it a shot. I could “erase” the problems with a few alterations. And by “I,” I mean, my seamstress or someone else who doesn’t quake with fear at the sight of a sewing machine. That’s not me, I’m afraid.


  10. Tell your friend (ahem, hmmm), well not quite gorgeous, but I think delightful – I recently dug out a set of curtains at a church charity shop (which is only open on Saturday mornings) – they’re dark blue and printed with a vast assortment of anthropomorphic computers, faxes, printers etc . . . the designer has given the machines such verve and personality, they’re all very busy doing human tasks. I guess they’re late 80s/early 90s curtains for an older child’s room. There were five there, all fairly narrow and a bit sun-faded in places. I went back weeks later and there was the sixth – yay!


  11. I work for a fabric company and on any given day I fall for at least 5 different pieces of fabric. I take home random pieces of discontinued fabric and think I will do something one day with all of it. There are some vintage reprints out there from the UK.


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