The Hundred Dresses: Day 35

And … another Vogue 9929. You’ve seen this one before, too, from when I was in Florida last year.

Liberty Mim Vogue 9929 front

It’s Liberty Mim, probably one of my favorite Liberty prints. (I mentioned it in this blog post, too.)

Liberty Mim Vogue 9929 bodice

I haven’t seen any for sale recently, but it turns up on Ebay/Etsy more often than you might think. It seems to be used a lot for children’s clothing (uh, I wonder why …) so those manufacturers sometimes have leftovers.

I had some of this in a darker colorway, too, and it turned into a Duro (whose picture I can’t find) and then a pen exploded on it and that was the end of that. The moral of this story is always use pencils instead.

Here’s the zip, not too bad, C:

Liberty Mim Vogue 9929 zipper

Did you know there’s a free Craftsy video class on zippers? I’ve enrolled and will report back. Never too late to learn something new!

And here’s the back. Probably my favorite thing about this colorway of Mim is the blue/teal and the pink/orange juxtapositions, and then those big candy.jpgnk clouds … so much to be happy about.

Liberty Mim Vogue 9929 back

9 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 35

  1. ought to be a tennis dress today…

    That is so cheery and pretty and fun and why waste that on children!?


  2. It does make you feel good just looking at it… and the earlier blog post was especially good. I’m going to wear orange today.


  3. Thanks for the link back to your “just cut it” post on this fabric: I’ve been hoarding some lovely fabric, afraid I would screw it up, lose (or gain) weight or (m)any other reasons to hold back. Time to just cut it.


  4. I have been enjoying the hovertexts immensely — they really add to the close scrutiny of the dresses. I cannot find the source on this one — please elucidate? Who are Mim and Bram, what’s up with the tentacles, and where was the tragic fire?


  5. I’m in love with this fabric, it’s gorgeous!
    I’ve only just started learning to sew on a machine and my teacher suggested I look at your site for some inspiration – and you are indeed inspiring, thank you very much 😀


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