The Hundred Dresses: Day 37

Let’s take a quick break from Vogue 9929 for a blast from the past: Simplicity 5232!

This one was the first one I made, and I still take it out every once in a while, even though it doesn’t fit quite right (I shortened the bodice too much, so the waistline is a bit high):

gray Simplicity 5232 front

I used some rickrack on the collar (don’t worry I still have plenty left):

gray Simplicity 5232 collar

Here’s the back, I really like the yoke although of course it’s like five “extra” steps (when compared to a yokeless dress):

gray Simplicity 5232 back bodice

Slightly closer look at collar/yoke:

gray Simplicity 5232 back collar


I put cording in the front seam, for no good reason other than because I felt like it:
gray Simplicity 5232 front piping

And the full-length back:

gray Simplicity 5232 back

This was part of my fabric haul from Japan. I still have several pieces from that haul I haven’t even sewn up yet … and one I just used a couple of weeks ago.

Looking at this dress again makes me want to make another Simplicity 5232 … it’s going on the list.



8 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 37

  1. Shirtdress Chic, I’ve never managed it.

    I like everything about that one except the buttons. But since I’m a part time Koumpounaphobe, we won’t get into that.


    • wow; I had to look up Koumpounaphobe, and then realized that even though I make lots of clothing for myself, my son, and others, I cannot remember the last time I made something with buttons.


  2. Like the dots, like the rickrack, like the cording, and, I’m sure, the pockets, even though you didn’t mention them. Having read many of your posts, I would be amazed if there weren’t pockets! Am really enjoying the 100 dresses, it’s a fun journey and going so fast!


  3. Love it, rickrack, piping, all of it.
    Though am wondering why the buttons/holes don’t get a mention when your zips always do? Are you fastening-ist?
    I’d be terrified of getting that many buttons all lined up correctly, way more than I’d worry about a zip that’s hiding under my arm…so do share how you did it!


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