The Hundred Dresses: Day 41

Today’s dress is another Butterick 7513, and as I was looking at these pictures I was thinking “why haven’t I made *this* dress a hundred times?” It has all the lines I really like, including soft side pleats in the skirt:

Liberty Schlesinger Butterick 7513

Plus a roundish collar and kimono sleeves:
Liberty Schlesinger Butterick 7513

Here’s a better look at the collar and buttons. The buttons are vintage. This is before I started my trick of interfacing all collars and facings with silk organza, so this dress is a little under-stiffened in the placket department.
Liberty Schlesinger Butterick 7513 bodice

(Here’s my trick for silk organza interfacing: 1. buy silk organza from Dharma Trading. 2. Buy this Odif 505 Spray and Fix Temporary Fabric Adhesive. 3. Cut out your pattern pieces in the dress fabric. 4. Spray wrong side of cut pieces with 505. 5. Press pieces to organza (make sure they’re nice and smooth). 6. Cut around edges. 7. Treat the stuck-together pieces & organza as one. 8. Live happily ever after.)
Liberty Schlesinger Butterick 7513 collar

Here’s the side zip. The dress is hung up on my dressform a bit weirdly.
Liberty Schlesinger Butterick 7513 side zip

And the back:
Liberty Schlesinger Butterick 7513 back


I can’t remember when I made this dress; I bought this fabric (Liberty Schlesinger) in 2007, so it had to have been after that. It’s also a little on the tight side, so I probably made it at the perigee of my normal weight fluctuation, and I know I redid the side zip and added a deeper side-seam pocket at some point, too.

12 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 41

    • The line of buttons does not extend through the fitted waistline, which has to pass shoulders & bust to get home. Lovely, lovely dress!


  1. There is something just so very nice about this dress. The fabric, the buttons, the pattern – very very nice. Thanks for the interfacing trick! I wanted to tell you: About 30 years ago, I use to sew a lot of my own clothes, but I could never get pieces to fit properly. Of course, samey same with store stuff. Recently, I stumbled onto your blog. I love looking at the dresses you’ve made, what you point out, your tips. I’ve explore your links, looking at fabric, looking at patterns. (and I’m fabric starved. When I lived in Philadelphia, I could hit all the fabric stores on 4th St. Here, we have JoAnn Fabric. Period) I purchased “Fit For Real People”. It’s great! Now my sewing machine is set up. I’ve sorted through my fabric. I have a dress cut out. Although I don’t have a tremendous amount of time to sew (I am a single mother who also loves to knit) I am excited. I just wanted to thank you, and I wanted to let you know where my thank you came from.


    • Oh, thank you so much! I am very glad to hear that I’ve encouraged you to start sewing again! Can’t wait to see what you make!


  2. Thanks for the collar tip – bookmarking the sites! You are the best inspiration for remaking patterns. The different versions of patterns all look fabulous and unique. I’m still looking for the “right” style for me, but I won’t be afraid to make several once I find it because of your dress collection.


  3. Isn’t it interesting how we find pieces that we wish we had tried earlier. I do this with sewing (sort of!) but also with cooking recipes, outing destinations and so forth. Life is full of such pleasant finds and this dress is a pretty one.

    Thank you for the tip on using organza. I have recently made a wrap blouse for which the fusible interfacing is bubbling – little bubbles all over – on the collar and facing. Rather disappointing so I am collecting ideas for fusible interfacing alternatives.


  4. “Spray wrong side of cut pieces with 505.” Very cool! What happens when you wash it? Does the adhesive wash away, but the interfacing is still held in place by the stitching?

    I don’t use silk because I’m vegan, but this would probably work with any interfacing!


    • Yep! Well, that seems to be how it works. I don’t notice any difference between the sprayed pieces and the unsprayed ones after washing, anyhow.


  5. Thanks so much for your inspiring blog! I love it! One more question about the silk organza interfacing- have you have any problems with it shrinking? Dharma Trading states it shrinks 6% in length and 6% in width.

    Thanks again!


    • Oh — I wash the silk organza in very hot water and then throw it in a hot dryer, and I don’t have any shrinking problems after that.


  6. […] this yet — it’s a hybrid Frankendress of Liberty Schlesinger (which I’ve used before and still think looks like a cricket-ball print) with the bodice from Simplicity 2452 and the same […]


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