The Hundred Dresses: Day 87

Another Vogue 9760 … you guys are starting to get the idea that I’m pretty much a binge sewist, right? I find a pattern and just make it over and over until I can’t make it any more.
paisley Vogue 9760

I actually bought this fabric in two colorways — this red/blue and a brown/maroon/green. I made a skirt from the brown colorway but I actually think I might have some of it left. Looking at this again I think “hmm, I should go dig that up …”

The facing here (I remember) is Kona quilting cotton:
paisley Vogue 9760 facing

Here’s a better look at matching the pattern at the center front seam:
paisley Vogue 9760 front seam and facing

And the bodice without the facing displayed (aka stealth mode). [Which now makes me want to write a book called “Steath Mode: The Secrets of Being Quietly Fashionable” and talk about all the luxury brands without visible labels, how to commission custom garments, etc. etc.]
paisley Vogue 9760 bodice

Brightly colored zips make me happy:

paisley Vogue 9760 side zip

And the back — this fabric is really lightweight (and soft, too, which you can’t really see in the pictures) so the back facing is very obvious:

paisley Vogue 9760 back

Also, in The Hundred Dresses-the-book news, thanks to Emily at Shell Chic’d for this nice review!

6 thoughts on “The Hundred Dresses: Day 87

  1. Dear “binge sewist”, [never know where the comma goes in this situation–between the t in sewist and the quotation mark, or after the quotation mark (?)]
    Yes, I’d say the phrase “binge sewist” is perfect. I totally see the value of making the same pattern over and over —-> a potent learning strategy for conquering whatever new sewing challenges/learning curves present themselves in a pattern. Thoroughly enjoy the cursor roll-over info. or whatever doobies —> today’s ‘paisley design’ mini historical adventure was delightful. Also, being very visually oriented myself, the photo w/the quip, “And the bodice without the facing displayed (aka stealth mode)” made me laugh out loud. Still laughing. Regarding writing a book called “Stealth Mode: The Secrets of Being Quietly Fashionable”—>Do it!


  2. Yes, yes, yes to the book idea. Just so I can make my “homemade” better than what the Label Junkies are wearing and sit back in quiet satisfaction that mine is superior to theirs.


  3. Yes, please do write suck a book – I avoid logos, identifying tags, etc as much as possible and truly appreciate a lovely garment, accessory, etc whose designer does not feel the need to integrate their monogram into the item. I look forward to your 100 dresses post every day – and to the end with sadness. But I am motivated to start sewing again – actually organized the sewing closet and took inventory this week – thanks very much…


  4. I think this one is really lovely, and I also like the coloured facing that can show, or not. Think I’m going to steal that nice look for my next make. I would LOVE to see a book like your “Stealth Mode” idea. You should write it!


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