There is no St. Patrick's Day dress today.

ebay item 6262747873

I don't care if this one IS green. I don't do St. Patrick's Day. When your name is Erin, you either embrace or avoid this Holy Day, and when your name is Erin and you don't drink? Avoid is the best and wisest choice. I do not wear green, I do not respond to calls of "go bragh," and if you kiss me because I'm "Irish," I will probably knee you in the groin. Just a friendy warning.

Anyway, enough of what is not. What is? A midriff band, that's what. Although I suppose this is really more of an empire line. It's hard to make out, but click on the image to go to the ebay auction, because the seller also scanned the back of the envelope (I love people who do that) and you can see the lines better that way. It's got four days to run (and, at this writing, only one bid). B34.

It's by Simonetta of Italy; I have several of her later patterns, but none really stand out to me. I'd be interested to learn more about her … for vintage, this dress looks really modern to me (not so much the cape, obviously).

0 thoughts on “There is no St. Patrick's Day dress today.

  1. Boy, I really love that bateau neckline/midriff band combo. The elbow length sleeves really top it of. I never paid attention to midriff bands until I started reading your blog. Thanks for opening my eyes.


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