An ID on the Easter Parade dress fabric?

ebay item 8305987417

Robin sent a link to this Alexander Henry fabric, which looks an awful lot like the fabric in that great Easter Parade dress Sartorialist posted the other day. Which means she made the whole thing, most likely, and didn't alter it. That makes the green fabric an even more interesting and exciting choice!

It is soooooo geeky that I find this fascinating, isn't it? This is the dress equivalent of "and it was 10.3.9, not 10.3.8!". Or something equally geeky. When I start obsessing over whether someone used seam binding or did a turned-up hem, that's when you can start writing "*cough*, Erin …" in the comments. Okay?

0 thoughts on “An ID on the Easter Parade dress fabric?

  1. It’s not nearly geeky enough, and in fact I’m a little disappointed: Don’t you have a theory about what pattern she used?::bats eyes innocently::Man, that was a seriously beautiful dress. And I’ve definitely decided, after much assessment of shop windows and clothing lines, that while black and white is in for spring, black and white plus a single, strong, nifty color? Is KILLER.


  2. That is a perfectly beautiful dress. Is she wearing a crinoline petticoat under it to make the skirt hang that perfectly? And it has to be a vintage pattern, doesn’t it?


  3. to get a shape like that with this amazing insert, I suspect she made the pattern herself. or at least her dressmaker did! based on a 50s style of course, but teaked in a spectacular way. Who is she???


  4. you know we’re all curious. i had seen The Dress before you posted. I was E-lated when you posted because it meant Someone else was wondering about The Dress?


  5. I love the fact that she must have made this dress. I’ve seen that type of bodice on a number of patterns I’ve sold, but the insert on the skirt is killer.


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