Seriously, I am cornering the market on shirtdresses

Butterick 2628

I could barely make out the line drawing on this, and the seller said she had no clue whether or not it was complete … and I bought it anyway. It's a sickness, right?

I am a sucker for these Butterick Four-Yard-Line patterns, though. I love the football reference in something marketed exclusively to women (and supposedly thrifty women at that!) but I liked the open collar with the front band and the full skirt a little more. I think this one will be fun to make.

I'm seriously considering making this shirtdress in a solid color, even. Wouldn't that be a switch? I just can't decide WHICH color. Pale blue and green are too hospitally; yellow shows too much dirt; black is too boring to sew, ditto white; red a little much for all that skirt … I'm bored with pink lately, and orange would just be insane (not that I'm against insane, usually). I don't like brown in summer, and I never wear beige (or purple) if I can help it. What am I forgetting? Ooh, maybe a deep blue?

0 thoughts on “Seriously, I am cornering the market on shirtdresses

  1. I think a nice apple or kelly green would be awesome. Alternately, a rich magenta (magenta isn’t QUITE pink…) or a hot teal.


  2. a slubby taupe/grey, with the front facing and collar topstitched in bright magenta or bright turquoise, and with that color used for the pockets as well [maybe even the neck facing]


  3. Do the dress in a solid color and do the front band and collar in another solid with an obi style belt matching the collar and band color.


  4. Well, if this is a color campaign of sorts, I’m throwing my hat in the ring with Anonymous’ idea of gray/taupe with bright accents.


  5. I was about to say grass green, but apple is pretty close to that, too. Also, I know you said solid, but now I’m thinking ticking stripes.


  6. I like a bright, solid kelly green lately too…or what about a solid color with some texture, like a broderie anglaise? And, it looks like it’s a pure dirndl bottom (i.e. straight hem), so you might ALSO consider making it in a border print. And I think it would look marvellous in seersucker!Oh, and I think maybe it is a little bit of a sickness, since you ask. Thanks for spreading your germs around to all of us, jeez. :^)


  7. I have to second the motion for an intense spring-like kelly green. Failing that, a bright coral sounds nicea little of the insanity of orange to make the pink more exciting!


  8. Hmmm. I just made a solid red linen shirt dress with a big full skirt. I posted it a few weeks back with the SWAP 2008 posts, but it will show up again this week in the final photo shoot post.I vote for green! Bright, grassy green!


  9. Burgundy. I’d go for burgundy. With a pink cardi..or, if you can find it, one of those preppy Faire Isle ones in burgundy with all the stitchwork in pink.


  10. I agree with the kelly green – but I’d add white piping to the collar/placket/belt/sleeves to break up all that green. Or do the same thing but with a royal/nautical blue instead of the kelly green. So crisp and summery!


  11. My thought is dove grey with bright turquoise piping and collar.Think how nice it would look with turquoise sandals!OR White with apple green piping, collar and belt. Fresh!


  12. I want to know why not orange? I made and orange wool dress this winter. And yellow looks so pretty on brunettes.


  13. This spring’s color seems to be a really saturated turquoise, almost just this side of teal. It’s lovely and a bit eye-popping, and puts me in mind of a refreshing take on robin’s egg blue. So, I vote for turquoise.


  14. Olive green tafetta. where did I see a prom dress in that color recently? on this blog?anyhow, totally lovely combination, the drab and the shine.


  15. You’ve not cornered the market – I have 56 shirtwaist patterns ranging from the 30s through the early 60s! However, I’ve none of those ‘4 Yard Line’ ones – does this mean that I need to keep collecting? My color suggestion is a light grey with a yellow or orange accent.


  16. DAMN you, Erin. You know FULL WELL the Butterick 2241 pattern I made such a fuss about searching for is part of the “4 Yard” line. WHY must you torture me when I was just beginning to heal?I wrote to the lady at, asking her to email the person who bought it that I’d pay TOP DOLLAR just to get it safe in my arms. So far, no answer. Clearly, we need to prepare a petition to open her records, to confront the buyer with a court order to release the pattern. Little 2241’s rightful home is with ME! Only I know how to nurture it; off-white with red top stitching, red belt and shoes.


  17. It’s a pity you don’t like purple – a fresh spring lilac or lavender or light periwinkle would be awesome, especially with white piping, black piping or medium gray accents. Although the apple green or a pistachio would be cool (pun intended), too.


  18. I have been thinking of kelly green. The color reminds me of the preppy period in high school when it was always accompanied with the whale grosgrain ribbon! Have any in your stash?


  19. soft yellow w/grey accents! or kelly green w/yellow hand stitching detail. my new shirtdress is in pale violet. i usually shun all forms of purple but am very pleased w/it. you rock.


  20. Very pale fresh dove grey with white accents. Iknow it can be schoolmistressy but it is also very crisp looking…and you can wear red shoes….


  21. Turquoise or caribbean blue with white rick rack on any accent area (pocket or collar edge). By the way, at Super Walmart, the coolest, a brown camoflage with butterflies. I am thinking a-line skirt with white or ecru eyelet on the hem.


  22. I like the idea of bright green or a deep bright blue. Love this shirt dress pattern. I would feel so Audrey Hepburn in it.


  23. Coral or Aqua are good choices, but what about navy with a yellow belt (or a kelly green or orange belt)- apparently navy and super-brights are the spring colors this year. Plus, you can always do white or red accents. Grey with yellow accents would be cute, tooLoving the pattern!


  24. I vote Kelly Green, BRIGHT blue, or khaki green. I think the khaki would make it nice and utilitarian. Also, really large pockets would look pretty funky.


  25. >The Red Shoes (fabulous movie, BTW) would go well with almost anything…except maybe the greens; too Christmasy. Also, pinks might be problematic. But the blues, yellows, oranges, navy, neutrals, autuminal tones…BRING THEM ON! We’re not afraid. Don’t know about periwinkle. Rust red could work with violet, but I don’t know about my favorite crimson red. I feel better now.


  26. I thought the 4 Yard Line referred to the amount of yardage to make most sizes in 45″ fabric. Or am I missing something – like maybe a sense of irony or something? I’m not sure a pattern company would to send a subliminal message to the average dating American male at the time that these were 4th and Down kind of dresses if you know what I mean. Confused. PS – Love your blog and I totally see this in a lovely white and dove stripped sea sucker as well.


  27. Navy. I think you should go with navy. I totally need something navy myself. It is an in color this spring, but I think it’s also very classic. Love the blog!


  28. I bought some sheer slubby inky navy linen/nylon blend to make a similar shirtdress a few months ago; it will need lining, but the subtle texture adds some interest, particularly with a skirt that full.I can also imagine a deep forest green, with crochet buttons. I’ve just acquired Interweave’s boook on making heirloom buttons, and they’re a perfect match for shirt dresses! Now I’m trying to figure out what to use the ruffly flower ones on the cover of the book for, as I’ve fallen in love with them. It used to be fabric first, design to suit – now it’s buttons first!


  29. Why on earth not a nice big wallop of red?!.. I suppose it might make a person’s eyes feel too hot in the summer.My favourite full-skirted dress is black with a cheerfully off-centre, asymmetrical band of electric (and I mean electric) blue at the hem. Swoosh!


  30. Love dresses. Love this blog :).Don’t think a full skirted shirt dress would do me any good – I’m so fruity I’m pear-shaped…A solid, you say? Go for that beigy green (taupe? khaki?), you can dress it up with red acessories or subdue with brown.


  31. I’m currently making a shirtdress in greeny turquoise, and I am intending to use big orange buttons, so that’s my suggestion… (I say making, by which I mean I’ve cut out the pattern). My second choice would be electric blue.Although I think a good idea would be to make dresses in each of the colours above…


  32. I think a bright turquoise seersucker would be lovely for summer. You could throw in a yellow belt when you really want to pop.


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