Today's Pattern Story: McCall's 6782


Stripes: How many times are we going to have to rehearse this?

Belt: Until you get your back foot right, evidently. Also, your hand is too low.

Stripes: I can't get it up past my hair.

Floral: That can't possibly be your hair.

Stripes: I own it, so it's mine.

Belt: Hurry up and let's get this right. This scarf is gonna leave a welt.

[Director, from offstage: "One more time, girls!"]

All three: I hate the chorus.



12 thoughts on “Today's Pattern Story: McCall's 6782

  1. wow, 2 in a row that I made back in the 60’s. this one looked like a maternity dress even on my then-slender teenage figure.

    I love your stories and I love the trips down memory lane!


  2. Oh,gosh, I am one of that generation. I turned 60 this year and this was when I was 13..oh boy, this sure brings back the memories! Thanks, erin.


  3. Me too – made the dress (with belt) and the top. I’ll be 61 in December, and I’m not sure my taste has matured at all because I still think it’s cute!


  4. Sorry to be redundant, but I, too, made that dress several times and wore one iteration to my first real job in 1966. Geesh.


  5. Wow…making the unbelted version (especially in a really rowdy, LOUD print) is a SURE way to lose a man!

    Definitely destined for schmattehood.


  6. I had this pattern, too, and made the dress and the shorts several times for my mom and myself. (I don’t have it anymore; it must have fallen apart.)

    Of course, Stripe can’t put her hand up higher. She wouldn’t dare touch her hair.


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