Twenty (two) Years Later

So a couple of weeks ago I was at the Carmel Authors Festival. It was really lovely — I had a marvelous time and met some really cool folks. 

And I re-met Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who I had met in a scholarship program back in high school (SPOILER: I did not become a public-policy wonk of any flavor, despite what this picture seems to indicate): 


Unfortunately, I couldn't do a Ze Frank "Young Me Now Me" style picture, because I couldn't find a replacement for the platter-collar blouse (because Tweeds — "The Anthropologie of the 1980s" —  went out of business ages ago), but Justice O'Connor was nice enough to take another picture with me: 


We meet again

Many thanks to Justice O'Connor, who was kind enough to let me re-live my youth.

(Yes, the dress I'm wearing is Vogue 8728 in an alphabet print. Expect more details shortly. Sorry for the drastic hair differences from the vintage-dress-photo to this one; haircut occured after Carmel trip. I'm totally messing with the timestream!)

15 thoughts on “Twenty (two) Years Later

  1. Of course, you look exactly the same, but what pops out for me is how much better the Justice looks now. Couldn’t have the pressure of her job at the time, do you think?


  2. How fun to have two different sets of photos with a famous person…decades apart? Btw, I love the newer longer hairdo, Erin. I have Vogue 8728 in my collection. Must make soon. I’ve some ideas on what to do with it. What can I do to reward myself for a) buying the pattern to make the dress b) actually cutting out the pattern c) sewing the pattern? Three separate rounds of Guinness might work. I think.


  3. I must tell you how much I enjoy your blog… I stumbled upon it a few months ago and look forward to each post…. my only experience with sewing is to mend hems, iron on patches and re-attach buttons, but I do love fabric…. Just a quick hello from a friend in Michigan. 🙂


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