Prisoner of my own device

This is the Rushcutter dress again—this pattern is definitely one of my favorites now, even though I’m convinced I look faintly ridiculous in it. (Actually, “Faintly Ridiculous” would be a great title for an autobiography.)

Stripe Rushcutter

This is some old Marc Jacobs stripe denim/canvas—it’s plenty heavy, either way. I made another dress with this a while back, but it just didn’t work and I both took it apart AND bought more yardage. So I had plenty of fabric to work with.

This dress is all about the stripes—here’s the side panel:
Rushcutter side panel

And the pocket:

Rushcutter pockets

And the back, which is just kind of ‘meh’ but at this point it would have been masochistic to take it apart to get that back panel to be more even, so …

Rushcutter back

And here’s a better view of the front insert, which I did actually take apart and recut when the first try didn’t work out evenly:

Rushcutter bodice

I didn’t actually make any of the adjustments to the pockets that I wanted to—mostly out of sheer laziness—so I am still having to bend over to fish things out of the very bottom. But that’s a small price to pay for HUGE POCKETS.

So far I’ve been wearing this with black tights and ankle boots, or black leggings and gray Keds. (The biggest issue is finding a coat that fits over it, because of the extreme A-line.)

Here’s what it looks like on (you can tell I’m bad at selfies …)


I was wearing it all day, so it was a bit wrinkled at this point. (Also, I needed a haircut, since remedied.)

Pretty sure there’s going to be at least one more of these before I’m done … maybe something in broderie Anglaise for summer?

12 thoughts on “Prisoner of my own device

  1. Come to Sweden/Finland, you’ll fit right in. 😉 It’s quite Marimekko, isn’t it? Also a bit “kulturtant”, which is a Swedish slightly derogatory expression for those middle-aged women who wear Gudrun Sjödén and Marimekko lagenlooks in stripes and are the main cultural consumers outside cinemas; but said kulturtants have reclaimed the phrase in order to rock it and carry their badge of cultural sponsors proudly – without them no theatre.


  2. The best autobiography titles I’ve seen is David Niven’s ‘Bring on the Empty Horses.’

    I love the dress, just such a shame that you don’t get a physical pattern. I am far too impatient to faff about with the rigamarole of sticking together dozens of sheets of A4, even if I owned a printer.

    The sheer vastness of those pockets makes me very envious!


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