Ten Things I'm Going to Make Just As Soon As I Get Around To It

TO DO picture by Amit Gupta

[great pic by Amit Gupta]

Does everyone have a list of 'to-sew' ideas? Here are the ones that are topmost in my mind right now:

1. A black cotton circle skirt (with pockets, and a contour waistband), with a wide band at the hem. I want to cover the band with either little studs, in a kind of paisley pattern (with a transfer? I don't know) or with a pattern of grommets. I think the studs or grommets would weight the skirt nicely …

2. An orange cotton shirtdress. And by "orange," I mean ORANGE. I have the fabric, I just need the time.

3. A khaki camouflage shirtdress. Again, have fabric but no time. And it's hard to be motivated to sew lightweight things in Chicago in December.

4. A dark teal dress with a pleated skirt. I have a pattern for this and the fabric, but I need to find the right fabric to face the neck with, because the facing shows. (I'm thinking Liberty, but, then again, when am I not thinking Liberty?)

5. A Duro Jr. made in five different colors of jewel-tone silk shantung.

6. A camouflage twill circle skirt with a deep camo ruffle at the hem. I know, I know, I wear more camo than the First Armored Division, but what can I say? I like it. It makes me happy.

7. Something with the crazy big print fabric I bought from Waechter's.

8. A gray corduroy dress. Wide-wale. Have fabric, but no pattern. "NOT a jumper, patch pockets" is as far as I've gotten in finding the pattern.

9. A skirt with a faux-argyle pattern done in applique, embroidery stitch, and applied ribbon. (Do I know how to do this? No.)

10. Something with that brown roses fabric I bought a million years ago. It just sits in my sewing room and TAUNTS me.

Well. That's roughly three years of sewing. What's on your list?

64 thoughts on “Ten Things I'm Going to Make Just As Soon As I Get Around To It

  1. Hi Erin! Love your blog! Here’s my to do list: 1. Finish t-shirt quilt for friend’s mom’s Christmas present (due by Sunday)2. Matching lap blanket3. Grill cover (have had the fabric for two season and I hate the plastic one from Home Depot)4. Shower curtain5. Bedroom curtains (have fabric for this, too)6. Fall coat from upholstry fabric end7. Full-length faux mink coat (bought fabric in China for cheap-cheap…they thought I was crazy for not wanting them to make the coat there and just buy the fabric!)


  2. I am in awe!! These to-sew lists are mind boggling and I admire all of you. Mine is dull and boring–I’m trying to make a fitting shell, after about 40 years of sewing. I guess I’ve reached the age where fit is becoming crucial. Can someone please tell me what a “walkaway” dress is?


  3. I limited my list to 10 – new and vintage creations. I also clicked my readers in your direction. Come by to read my list…unDeniably Domestic~Kelly


  4. Oh my GAWD, where to start?! Here’s just a few ideas that are slowly sliding into the pipeline:* Mod-print A-line shift dress with french darts* Gray flannel A-line yoked skirt (starting today actually!)* Pillows refashioned from a brocade bathrobe* Kitchen treatments (placemats, napkins, etc.)* Perfect little black dress, of course :)* Bunches of home-dec and crafty stuff from Amy Butler’s free online patterns (fabric leaves!!)* Another strapless spring dress (the first one turned out SO well, I definitely want another one! I’m thinking retro print this time instead of florals)And on and on and on and ON! 😀


  5. Wow, I commented here yesterday and thanks Erin, your post gave me the motivation to actually get stuff done. I’ve finished the scarf and this morning I dashed into town before the Christmas shopping crowds got too thick and I picked up a simple Butterwick waistcoat pattern and a metre and a half of festive fabric. I’ve already got it all cut out and ready to sew up tomorrow – the pattern’s dead simple to fit my actual skill level instead of the sort of thing I wish I could sew. I’ll actually have two things off that list by monday!


  6. P.S – Any suggestions on what to do with a yard of spare fabric? I got more fabric than the pattern called for in case of cutting klutziness.


  7. I just made up Sandra Betzina’s 2911 Vogue… long pull-on bias skirt with peplum blouse. Used a nylon windbreaker sort of fabric… the skirt is outstanding, but the blouse is a lot more “jacket-y” than envisioned. But still, surprisingly lovely.Next is a long shirtdress with a standup collar and puffy short sleeves, in blue peachskin.And a long silk/hemp hand-dyed bias skirt, from the same Betzina pattern.And a beautiful Khaliah Ali blouse pattern, fabric undecided. Maybe more home-dyed hemp/silk.AND I am busy hand-quilting a “Grandmother’s Fan” top that I’d stashed away two years ago. Finishing a major UFO is deeply satisfying, innit?


  8. I am going to do a stash-a-rama.This pattern. Silk velvet bodice, black with roses on. Green silk jacquard sleeves, red skirt (unless I do it the other way). Saved up haute coutrue trim, green with tiny bead raspberries hanging from it. Ad luuuuuuv.


  9. Everything but the camouflage dress (I wore camouflage every day for the first half of my adult working life so possibly I’m prejudiced).


  10. A wedding dress! I’m making a simple, full-length halter dress for my wedding out of bamboo jersey. Now if only I could stop making Christmas presents and move on to the dress.


  11. I’m 11 years old, and am allready planned out most of my wedding last night. I am trying to figure out the materials on my dress. I worked out the design, and am going to fit myself late. Then estimate my measurements for 10 years later.


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